Dec 19, 2024 - Feb 13, 2025Number of Sessions:
Days of week
This class is designed for our most serious silks students. We will work intensively on building strength and flexibility for performance quality aerial arts. Students will work to clean up many s-wrap skills, explore unique pathways and climbs, begin more dynamic movement patterns, and work on stacked and coordination style drops.
Aerialists at this level should have the following strength/ flexibility requirements:
ability to do 3 pull ups, full splits in at least 1 direction, ability to remain moving on the silks for at least 3 minutes, straight arm, straight leg straddle inversions, straight leg leg lifts
Aerialists should have the following skills:
3 methods for entering into belay, 4 methods for entering x-back, front balance, 4 methods for entering hip key, single star, double star, back balance
Understanding and ability in the following climbs: russian, traditional, sous-sous, fancy russian, twisting russian, opposite side straddle, same side straddle
8 weeks
- Subtotal:
- $196.00
- Tax:
- $18.23
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $214.23