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ACL Prevention and Performance Program
ACL Prevention and Performance Program


Mar 18, 2024 - May 1, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


DMU's sports performance staff has been trained in Sportsmetrics, the first ACL Injury Prevention Program that is scientifically proven to decrease risk of serious knee ligament injuries in athletes. This program was specifically designed to provide neuromuscular retraining, along with coordination, balance, and strength training to the lower extremities to prepare the athlete to either avoid or react immediately to an injury situation. Sportsmetrics training addresses the following major deficiencies present in the athletic population: reaction force dominance, quadriceps dominance, and dominant leg dominance. In this class you will complete a sports injury pre-test to identify potential risk factors and a sports injury post-test to objectively measure your form improvements. A typical session will include a dynamic warm-up, plyometrics, strength training, speed and agility training, and end with flexibility.


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