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Birth Prep - A Childbirth and Motherhood Preparation 1 day program
Birth Prep - A Childbirth and Motherhood Preparation 1 day program


Oct 26, 2024 - Oct 26, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Oct 26, 2024
Days of week:
9:00AM - 5:00PM
Morning Light Studio
Jaz Bashford


In this 1 day in-person program you will learn 

  • How physiological birth happens and what you can therefore do to support it

  • A range of effective tools to use to integrate pain and challenge in childbirth (including breathing techniques, sound work, movement, visualisation and mind-techniques)

  • How to prepare your body for childbirth - set exercises to help support spontaneous labour and optimal positioning of your baby (avoid breech and posterior) 

  • How to move your body in childbirth - set positions and movements to use during childbirth to keep labour progressing and support baby into the optimal position

  • How to prepare your Nervous System for birth - tools and exercises to start toning and training your Nervous System which can have the biggest impact on the progression of labour 

  • How to prepare your mind for birth - exercises to explore your beliefs around birth, your personal reactions to challenge and discomfort and how to work with these to allow you to hold capacity for the challenges and changes that can happen in childbirth 

Optional Addition 

Online Mini-Course: Activating Your Birth Support Person(s) Role in Childbirth ($45)

In this online program your birth support person will learn

  • How physiological birth happens and what gets in the way of it

  • How to become an advocate and decision maker in birth 

  • How to use a Birth Map to support you in getting the birth outcome you desire

  • Hands-on tools to support you in both integrating pain and challenge and also getting your baby in the optimal position for labour to progress

  • Specific movements and exercises to take you through as you are in labour to keep labour progressing and help baby in to an optimal position for birth 

  • Exercises to start exploring their own beliefs around birth and what they can do to change any beliefs that won't be supportive to your desired birth outcomes


Please head to<wbr />birthpreparation to book the additional online module 
Jaz is our in-house Perinatal Yoga Therapist and birth educator that provides Pregnancy Yoga classes and monthly Birth Preparation programs at the studio. As a mama of two herself, she has not only the knowledge from her professional world; but from her personal experiences with pregnancy and childbirth that have shaped the support and toolset she now provides women with. Find out more about her and take her free online Breathing for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond mini-course at
Questions? Please reach out to Jaz directly : 

Investment: Pregnant mamas only: $145

Time: 9-5pm

Upcoming Dates 

Saturday 24th August 2024 

Saturday 28th September 2024

Saturday 26th October 2024

Saturday 23rd November 2024

Saturday 21st December 2024

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