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In-Person - Freeing Your Breath: A Hanna Somatics Workshop
In-Person - Freeing Your Breath: A Hanna Somatics Workshop


Dec 14, 2024 - Dec 14, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Dec 14, 2024
Days of week:
2:00PM - 4:00PM
Breathe Santa Fe
Christine Curran


How we breathe is directly related to the degree of tension or ease found in our “breathing muscles.” When the muscles that support our breath are habitually tight they inhibit the space we need in our body to breathe deeply. These muscles may become tight from our postural habits, as well as from repeated stress, fear, and anxiety influencing our physical state. Over time this may lead to shallow breathing, disrupted sleep, anxiety, high blood pressure, and more.

While we can learn techniques to change how we breathe, tight muscles will continue to limit our breath if we do not also release our held tension. In this workshop you will learn Hanna Somatic movements to free the muscles associated with breathing so that you can find more space around your breath and breathe with more depth and ease. We will also touch on different somatic breathing techniques that can be combined with Hanna Somatic movements to expand your experience over time.

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Special Instructions

Because in-studio class size is limited, advance registration is highly recommended.

In-person class cancellations accepted up to 3 hours prior to the start of first class. No shows will be charged.

Studio will open 15 minutes prior to the start of each in-person class.

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