Apr 6, 2025 - May 11, 2025Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Repeat every
Apr 06, 2025 - May 11, 2025Days of week:
4:00PM - 5:00PMLocation:
Heart and Light YogaStaff:
Dawn Staudt, Kim McPhailRepeat every:
1 week(s)Description
Are you ready to make positive changes in your life?
This 6-week program is designed to help you dig deeper into what you want and need in your life and gives you the tools to create the life you want. You will have weekly readings and tasks to complete. We'll meet once a week to discuss and regroup for the next week.
This program will include the book written by Baron Bpatiste 40 Days to Personal Revolution, journaling, inquiry prompts, nutrition recommendations, yoga and meditation and a weekly meeting on Sundays at 5pm (either in person or virtual).
Baron states: inquire within to find what really matters to you. Do the work and get the power to overcome your fear. Create lasting transformation by going beneath the surface for a whole-life revolution, not a quick fix.
Special Instructions
You will need the following:
Book: 40 Days to Personal Revolution (included in cost).
Pen or pencil
An open mind and a willingness to do the work
- Subtotal:
- $50.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $50.00