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Reflect & Release: A Transformational Year-End Meditation Experience
Reflect & Release: A Transformational Year-End Meditation Experience


Dec 21, 2024 - Dec 21, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Dec 21, 2024
Days of week:
10:30AM - 12:30PM
Sally Kellett


Date: 21st December, 2024

Duration: 2 hours

Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm



Come join our Founder Sally Kellett for a special end of year meditation journey. Together, we create a mindful intention to transition out of 2024 before welcoming in the new energy of 2025.


On this day, we acknowledge and honour all the ups and downs that have shaped us this year. We'll celebrate our successes and be grateful for all the experiences that have made us who we are.


Even though we may have faced challenges along the way, this meditation will help us let go of any negativity and find new strength. We'll create a healing energy together, freeing ourselves from anything that doesn't serve us anymore.


Sally will help us explore mindfulness and connect with our inner selves. Using powerful sounds and vibrations, connection with community and journaling prompts, we will align our intentions and reflect and release old energy.


Don't miss this soulful opportunity to take part in a morning of reflection and transition. Together, we'll say goodbye to the past and find purpose and wisdom in everything that has been.




Please email and let us know the full name of your guest so we can put you with each other. Let us know if it is a surprise so we still allocate the ticket but do not email your guest. Please ensure your guests brings all the necessary props.




Click on 'STORE' in the Mirosuna app and select the quantity of tickets you need. Please then email with your guest's full name and email so we can transfer them the ticket. Let us know if it is a surprise so that they don't receive an email notification.


All levels of experience welcomed. This is a pregnancy friendly event.

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Special Instructions

What to wear and bring

  • Wear comfortable clothing

  • A warm throw to cover yourself

  • A single or queen sized flat sheet to lay on, on top of our beds provided (beds are 200 cm x 80 cm). You can hire these for $5 cash if you prefer.

  • A journal and pen
  • Optional Items:

    • A water bottle
    • Eye pillow

    • Thick warm socks - this is highly recommended
    • Anything else that will make you more comfortable


Please note:

  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to allow plenty of time to get settled in as doors will shut strictly on time

  • Due to limited available spots, ticket costs are non-refundable but are transferrable to others for the same event

  • Please cancel via the Mirosuna app or tell us in advanced if you cannot make the event as soon as you are able
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