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Unlock the Power of Your Posture: A 4-Part Yoga Series
Unlock the Power of Your Posture: A 4-Part Yoga Series


Aug 31, 2024 - Sep 21, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Repeat every
Aug 31, 2024 - Sep 21, 2024
Days of week:
9:00AM - 10:30AM
Longview Yoga Wellness
Rachel Workman
Repeat every:
1 week(s)


Join us for a transformative journey through the body’s foundational alignment in our four-part series, Unlock Your Postural Power. Starting on Saturday, August 31.

This series is designed to enhance your understanding of posture and its profound impact on your physical health, breath, energy levels, and emotional well-being. Each 90-minute class will guide you through specific themes that connect posture to holistic health, offering practical tools you can integrate into your daily life. Whether you attend one class or the entire series, you’ll gain valuable insights into how mindful postural alignment can lead to a more balanced, vibrant, and empowered life.

What to Expect:

  • Week 1/August 31: Physical Alignment: Discover the foundational principles of good posture and how they impact your body. Learn alignment techniques and practice poses that support a strong and balanced body.
  • Week 2/September 7: Breath: Explore the connection between posture and breath. Experience breathwork and postures that open the chest and lungs, enhancing your respiratory capacity.
  • Week 3: Energy/September 14: Understand how posture affects your energy levels. Engage in sequences that promote energy flow and reduce fatigue, leaving you feeling revitalized.
  • Week 4: Mood/September21: Learn how posture can influence your mood and emotional well-being. Practice postures that boost your mood and build emotional resilience.
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