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STM1 Soft Tissue Mobilization workshop (Early Bird price of $750 until March 08, 2024). Regular Price: $1000
STM1 Soft Tissue Mobilization workshop (Early Bird price of $750 until March 08, 2024). Regular Price: $1000


Mar 23, 2024 - Mar 24, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week



3167 St-Catherine St., Easrt
Montreal, Quebec
H1W 2C

Date: On the weekend of March 23-24, 2024,

Time: From 9:00am - 6:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday,

Event: Adaptive Bodywork Presents:

Table Top Foundation Principles & Techniques

What is Soft Tissue Mobilization?
The Soft Tissue Mobilization certification is a table-based manual therapy certification, how we connect the dots and own our movement potential. Soft Tissue Mobilization 1 introduces new tools in the world of Structural Integration, including the benefits and power of an integrated approach with an emphasis on synchronizing physiology with neurology.


Who is the course for?
The Adaptive Bodywork Soft Tissue Mobilization is intended for anyone interested in manual bodywork and movement. This course offers a complete and comprehensive system for full body myofascial optimization, suitable for anyone from experienced bodyworkers to movement enthusiasts without prior training in manual therapy. The STM1 certification can be a launch pad for a career in bodywork or a powerful complement to enhance the practices of established massage therapists, Structural Integrators, osteopaths, trainers, coaches, yoga teachers, as well as performers, and athletes.


Actively Create Space in Your Body
Adaptive Bodywork is a holistic system that removes pain from your body by adaptively re-configuring your connective tissue support system to optimize and enhance your every movement.

    •    Adaptive Bodywork stems from Rolf Structural Integration and is developed by human structural integrators

    •    Practitioners of AB view your body holistically and use their bodies adaptively to do the work on a variety of surfaces.

    •    The work realigns and properly tensions your fascial support network, laying down a new and more youthful structural architecture.

    •    Unlike other therapies, you are engaged and participate actively during the entire process.

Is Adaptive Bodywork for you?
If you are experiencing any movement limitation or physical discomfort, you can absolutely benefit from Adaptive Bodywork.

Building a better foundation
When a structural dysfunction resulting from an injury like a fall or a strong impact with an external body or a wrong move is not recognized, its impact on the body will have life long repercussions. This dysfunction to the individual's support system will continue to interact negatively with all future movements, creating a series of performance limiting compensations that will ultimately compromise the individual's likelihood for efficient pain free functional movement.

It is a priority to rapidly restore balance in the individual's support system to avoid further structural dysfunction, dysfunction that will be exacerbated through the continued efforts and rigours of life.

Adaptive Bodywork Structural Integration (ABSI) offers an ongoing and responsive solution that enables you to create an optimized connective tissue matrix. When combined with appropriate movement therapy, the results can be exceptional.

AB improves the lives of people :

    •    Suffering from chronic pain

    •    Who want improve their mobility, posture and vitality

    •    Wishing to enhance their overall physical and emotional well being

    •    Seeking innovative way to improve athletic performance.
Unlike traditional massage techniques, Adaptive Bodywork unravels patterns of deeply held tension in your body by focusing on your fascia support network. Fascia is the biological fabric that holds us together, a connective tissue network. It’s everywhere from your head to your toes, inside-to-out. It is an interwoven system of fibrous connective tissue found throughout the body. The fascia is a support network attaching, stabilizing, enclosing and separating your muscles and organs. By working on tensions that are deeply connected to the mind, the nervous system, and the myofasical/muscular structure, your AB practitionner enables you to remodel your fascia to enhance your body’s every movement.

If you want to improve your physical/emotional well-being or enhance your athletic performance and live a more balanced, integrated and functional life, Adaptive Bodywork is for you!


3167 St-Catherine St., East
Montreal, Quebec
H1W 2C4

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Special Instructions

The Adaptive Bodywork STMI workshop will be held at:

Location: Adaptive Bodywork
3167 St-Catherine St., Easrt
Montreal, Quebec
H1W 2C

Date: On the weekend of March 23-24, 2024,

Time: From 9:00am - 6:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday,


Breaks: There will be a 1 hour lunch break as well as a 15 minute break both morning and afternoon.


Dress: Wear loose fitting shorts, bathing suit or underwear. We will be working directly on the tissue from head to foot, with appropriate drapping as necessary. All should be easily accessible. For women it is preferrable to wear a tradtional bra that unclips from the back rather than the trendy and complicated yoga or sport bras with crossing material & straps that will impede our work.

Special Note: Please avoid any form of lotion or cream on your skin. It should be squeaky clean. It is absolutly neccessay that we have full purchase / traction on the tissue. If you arrive pre-lubricated the effectiveness of the techniqes will be vastly reduced. 


Hair trimming: For the men, if you are very hairy, especially on the chest, you will appreciate the work more if you trim your hair. We will be getting a lot of traction on your tissues with deep horizontal shearing strokes. It will be less fun if this is accompanied by hair plucking. No need to completly shave but a trim is strongly recommended.


Jewlery: leave jewlery, braclets, necklaces, rings and watches at home or in a safe place in your personal bag.


Fingernails: Your finger nails should be very short. We will be working deeply in our client's tissues. We don't want to leave them with lacerations.


Please also avoid perfumes. We will be in tight quarters for 8 hours per day

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