Aug 4, 2024 - Aug 4, 2024Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Suspended from the ceiling in a cocoon of silky fabric, experience a feeling of ease and weightlessness as healing Reiki frequencies & vibration immerse your body from above, below and all around!
Reiki Master Sherika, will guide you through this soft, transcendental journey. Your session begins with a guided Aerial Yoga meditation and breath work. AirReiki can retrain the brain and restore that sense of safety to your nervous system.
In this 1.5 hour Special Workshop we will:
~Use Reiki to repair and renew the mind and body, stimulating the energy channels intuitively
~Himalayan singing bowls, elements, and other instruments sing you through rejuvenating sound meditation.
Individual attention will be given with instruments around the body, as you gently receive non-invasive light touch, Reiki energy healing, incorporating hot stone massage. Nourishing your body with complete sensory support. Ease your pain as you feel yourself float away in a healing cloud of Reiki energy and sound!
Space is limited~we are only opening 6 Silk hammock Cocoons for this~sign up TODAY!
Special Instructions
*Please show up in comfortable clothing.
*It’s a good idea to have a light meal or small snack an hour or so before receiving Air Reiki.
- Subtotal:
- $89.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $89.00