Dec 7, 2024 - Feb 8, 2025Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Repeat every
Dec 29, 2024 - Feb 08, 2025Days of week:
10:00AM - 11:00AMLocation:
Own Touch - HuntersvilleStaff:
Own Touch MentorRepeat every:
1 week(s)Description
Monday 4pm, Thursday 4pm and/or Saturday 10am
Purchase one of those days, two of those days or ALL THREE
and save.
At Own Touch, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our
brand-new program, Lil Ballas, Designed exclusively for our
youngest players, ages 3 to 6, this groundbreaking program is set
to revolutionize early soccer development.
Why Lil Ballas?
Lil Ballas isn’t just about teaching soccer – it’s about shaping the next generation of players with an innovative curriculum developed through insight and consultation from our international partners. We know that at this age, mastering the fundamentals is key, which is why our 10-week program is laser-focused on what truly matters: the first touch, quick decision-making, and dynamic play.
Special Instructions
Price dsiplayed is for Each Instance. If you are interested in doing two days a week or Three days a week, contact INFO@OWNTOUCHCLT.COM with which two days or if you want all three so we can enroll you with the discounted prices:
Monday, Tuesday or Saturday
Two of those Days
All Three
- Subtotal:
- $210.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $210.00