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Learn to read the Tarot with Amy-Major Arcana
Learn to read the Tarot with Amy-Major Arcana


Oct 17, 2024 - Oct 17, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Oct 17, 2024
Days of week:
6:30PM - 8:30PM
Yoga with Love
Amy Novack


Tarot cards can help us to zero in on what is truly in our subconscious, in our hearts. The cards help us to pause, reconnect and discover our deep truths. 

In this two-part series, we will discuss how to:

  • Establish a connection to our decks and our intuition
  • ground ourselves before and clear after a reading
  • use different spreads to assist your reading

Part I -will focus on the Major Arcana. These 22 cards represent archetypal images and energies, they are the cards that are not suited. They represent the major twists and turns in your life.

Part II - will focus on the Minor Arcana. There are 56 Minor Arcana cards which are divided into 4 suits. We will delve into the suited cards which focus on the current challenges and opportunities you face on a daily basis. 

If you have a deck please bring it and a journal.  There will be decks to use but it is nice to have your own, and there will be homework between classes!

Thursday 6:00–8:00pm

  • Part I- Major Arcana, 3/18/23 -$45/per session
  • Part II- Minor Arcana 3/25/23 -$45/per session   


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