Aug 24, 2024 - Dec 20, 2024Number of Sessions:
Days of week
YOUTH CONTEMPORARY 1 Saturdays 11:00am-12pm
Fall Session Dates: 8/24 - 12/14 (15 weeks)
Holidays: 8/31-9/2 (Labor Day) 11/25-11/30 (Thanksgiving)
Registration required, repeatable. One class per week.
Class description: (Ages 7-10) Modern originated in revolt of ballet and has transformed the dance world. Sometimes called contemporary, modern has an expressive and free feel while also being based in technique. Dancers explore rhythm, floor work and traveling through the space. This class is great for the rebel, the wild at heart, the explorer.
DRESS CODE: black leotard or shirt, black tights or leggings and bare feet. Hair pulled away from face
TARDY POLICY: If you are more than 5 minutes late to class, without giving the instructor advance notice you will be tardy, you will not be allowed into class that day.
Special Instructions
To register for this class, dancer must turn 7 by February 13 2024
- Subtotal:
- $400.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $400.00