Sep 27, 2024 - Sep 27, 2024Number of Sessions:
Days of week
Join the Bee Well Yoga team on the last Friday of each month at 530 pm for our Community Meditation & Reiki Share Circle. This is a time to share experiences, help each other develop Reiki skills and practice in a safe and encouraging environment. Enjoy Reiki's healing effect, release stress and tension, and relax your mind, body and spirit. The team will take turns leading the circle - each gathering will begin with a meditation and discussion. The discussion is a time to share information and/or ask for healing for yourself, for a friend or family member or for our world. As a group we will send reiki to those requesting healing and will have opportunities to break out into the smaller treatment rooms at the studio. This group healing format provides a wonderful, relaxing, rejuvenating experience for all. **No reiki experience needed, donations accepted to cover cost of refreshments
- Subtotal:
- $0.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $0.00