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VibroAcoustic Sound bed Package
VibroAcoustic Sound bed Package


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
Attendance Restriction:
1 session per day
3 months
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Breath of the Wind, A journey through 40 Hz 22:22, I am connected to my higher self 963 Hz 22:22,, I am inHarmony with my surroundings 639 Hz 22:22, 33:33,, I am intuitive 852 Hz 22:22, 33:33,, Release 28:20, I am Intune 432 Hz 22:22, 33:33, Releasing Anger, I am Pure Love 528 Hz 22:22, 33:33, I am rejuvenated 285 Hz 22:22, 33:33, I am Transformed 417 Hz 22:22, 33:33, I release Guilt and Shame 396 Hz 22:22, 33:33, Releasing Trauma, Inspiration 24:10, Deep Om- 396hz, Deep Om- 285hz, Deep Om- 174hz, Viral Defense, WEOH- 22 min., Ocean Dreams-nervous system reset, My Body is Aligned 174 Hz 22:22, 33:33, My body is Cleansed 741 Hz 22:22, 33:33,, Ancestral Healing 33
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A ground-breaking therapy based on the principle that life is vibration. Matter, including the human body, vibrates all the time, at various frequencies. Sound and music also vary in frequency. Therefore, when the frequencies of sound and/or music are converted to vibration which is introduced to the human body, it can be utilized to bring the body into a state of healthy resonance.
VibroAcoustics reduce stress, improve sleep, stimulate blood circulation, alleviate pain, nausea, headaches, anxiety, fatigue, depression, improve range of motion, lower blood pressure, stimulate lymphatic flow, calms the autonomic nervous system and decreases spasms and tremors (Parkinson's, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis).

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$100.00 /month
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