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Hot Yoga & Pilates, LLC
Cold Plunge
Cold Plunge


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
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Does Not Expire
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Cold Plunge
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Take the plunge and reap the benefits.

-Boost your immune ststem. Your body responds to stressors, like cold water, by producing more white blood cells. These small but mighty white blood cells help your body fight off sickness and provide detox benefits by pushing fluid through the lymph nodes.

-Boot your metabolism. Metabolic rate is the rate at which your body uses energy to burn calories. Cold exposure kicks this rate into gear- anywhere from 8% to 80% higher.

-Support weight loss. As your body shivers and burns down brown fat, your body burns calories faster. This suggests the ice baths may help you shed pounds or help you maintain a healthy weigh in addition to your regular health and wellness routines.

-Boost your mood and support your mental health. If your mood needs a pick-me-up, an ice bath may do the trick. After the initial gasp from the shock of cold water, many people begin to feel invigorated and clear-headed. You can think the release of endorphins for that.

-Reduce stress and build resiliency. It takes fortitude to withstand cold temperatures even for a short time, which is why ice baths build up your resiliency. Sitting in chilled water acts as a physiological stressor and temporarily puts your body in survival mode. However, brief and repeated exposure to this may improve your overall stress response in a process called cross-adaptation.

Challenge yourself to a consistent plunge or join the others in a studio wide challenge and lets us cheer you on!

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