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Hip Expressions LLC
Audition Fee


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
Does Not Expire
Access to Sessions:
(V) Belly Dance Int/Adv (Virtual), (V) Belly Dance 2: Shimmies! (Virtual), (V) Belly Dance: Drills & Combos (Virtual), (V) Brazilian Samba (Virtual), (V) Polynesian Dance (Virtual), Belly Dance: Drills & Combos (@ the Centre), Tribal 1: Beginner, Belly Dance 2: Shimmies!, Polynesian Dance @Hip Ex, Brazilian Samba @Hip Ex, Djinn Zoo Troupe (hybrid), Yoga: Align & Shine, Belly Dance: Global Caravan 1 (Beg), Belly Dance 1: Beginner, Tribal 2: Advanced Beginner, BellyYogaDance, (V) BellyYogaDance (Virtual), (v) Positive Intelligence Growth Meeting, Samba Syndicate Troupe (hybrid), Nia, Shimmies, Hip Stars Troupe (hybrid), Donation Dance Class, (V) Yoga: Align & Shine (Virtual), Yoga for Balance, (V) Yoga for Balance (Virtual), Belly Dance: Global Caravan 2 (Int), Indian Fusion 1, (V) Indian Fusion 1 (Virtual), Flamenco 1: Intro, Staff Training, Yoga: Hatha, Aerial Yoga, Aerial Yoga: Low & Slow (Restorative), Aerial Yoga 4 Hips, Simple Meditation
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Learn to embody the confidence and grace you have been working towards!  

Hip Stars Troupe Purpose:
To strengthen our individual and collective confidence, grace, and joy, by working together to honor, share, and grow the Art of Belly Dance.

Our Vision:
- Develop a deep and meaningful connection to our bodies and our community, through the music and movement of the ancient art of belly dance.
- Express human experience through dance, creating performances that make people feel and connect to ancient themes
- Build meaningful and supportive relationships.
- Cultivating strong performance skills helps us to connect to our core sensuality to fully express and accept who we are individually & collectively.
- Embody the culture and character of a wide variety of belly dance traditions, through cohesive costuming & movement.
We showcase the transformative and meaningful power of belly dance to our community, there are opportunities for travel, too!
Qualities we look for in a Troupe member:
- Commitment to working on individual & collective growth & technique, in and out of rehearsal
- Positive & friendly welcoming demeanor, integrity, dedication to the group and assuming goodwill, not taking things personally
- Good sense of timing & musicality, strong isolation skills, quick learner
- Willingness to work on improvisation & choreography; solos & group numbers
- Trust in the process & in your Directors
- Overall attitude, spirit, and cohesiveness with Hip Stars Values

Looking for dancers who are proficient at and would like to improve their:
- stage presence
- technique
- musicality
- improvisational skills

Be ready to:
- showcase 1:30 to 2 minute performance with your own music, in full costume & stage make up
- showcase improvisation with and without a veil (to our music) alongside others, showing your individual style and interaction with others
- learn a (very) short combination together, focusing on your own dance and as part of a group
You will receive personalized feedback from the Troupe Directors - Johanna, Karen, Kimberly & Lizza.  Gain insights on and direction for your technique, choreography, stage presence and more!  Be prepared within the week after the audition for a one-on-one coaching virtual session to review your dance goals and aspirations, audition results, and create a plan going forward.

Come dressed for the goddess part you want - stage ready with make up and costume. Don't worry about buying a super new costume for this event, since as Hip Stars we will purchase costumes together, but bring the best you have (or can borrow).

Join the artistic, uplifting troupe... the Hip Stars, Powerful, Meaningful & Transformative Belly Dance!
To sign up...
1. Review these documents about the Hip Stars (so you know what you're auditioning for)
Hip Ex Troupe Guidelines
Hip Stars Troupe Charter
2. Fill out the form/application HERE.
3. Register on our website

$65 fee includes both audition days, and coaching/feedback call.

Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early, even more if you need to change/prepare

Monday, July 1, 8pm - Combos & Improvisation (with and without veil)
- rehearsal attire (includes hip scarf & red flower), bring a veil or borrow one of ours

Tuesday, July 2, 8pm - Performances
- full stage belly dance costume & make-up

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