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Wanderlust Pole & Aerial Studio

16 Class Pass - Membership Plan
$193.00/2 months


Purchase Option type:
Attendance Restriction:
16 session per 4 month(s)s
Access to Sessions:
Beginners Pole Tricks, T5 Beginner Aerial Tricks, Pretty Lyra Tricks (Elem+), Inter 3 Pole Routine, Pre-Advanced/Advanced Routine, T5 Inter 1 Pole Tricks, Inter 2 Pole Routine, Intro to Polevocative, Sensual Chair Choreo, Intro to Backbends, Middle Splits Bootcamp (All Levels), All About Splits (Open Level), Heels Choreo, T5 Active Flex, Full Body Stretch (Open Level - 1.5 hrs), Beginners Pole Mini-term, Beginners Aerial Mini-term, T6 Inter 1 Tricks, XO Tease (All Levels), Intro to Russian XO Choreo (Open Level - 1.5hrs), Pretty Sling Flow (Elem +), Flexy AF (All Levels), Flip-aholic (Inter 2+), Doubles Pole Choreo (All Levels), Pretty Lyra FLow (Beginners), Hypnotic Floorwork (Open Level), Intro to Fiery Sensual Choreo, Filthy Floor Choreo (Open Level), Strip n Lap Choreo (All Levels), T3 Hardcore Heels (Pole Choreo), Trendy Tricks (Int 1+), Lyrical Pole Choreo (Open Levels), T6 Trendy Tricks (Inter 3+), Intro to XO Tricks, Pretty Sling Tricks (Elem+), Pretty Spin Pole (Beg), No Invert Pole FLow (Elem+), Inter 1 Pole Routine, T5 Inter 1 Aerial Tricks, Beginners Heels Dance, Open Urban Heels (All Levels), Trendy Tricks (Pre-Adv), Open Street Jazz Dance (All levels), Pop Pole Choreo (Open Level), Intro to Liquid Flow (Pole Choreo), Showgirl Magic Choreo (All Levels), Intro to Sexy AF Choreo (All levels), Doubles Pole Tricks (Int 1+), Ballet Pole Choreography, T5 Heels Flow (Pole Choreo), T5 Inter 3 Pole Tricks, T5 Bend It Like Mucci, T5 XO Heels Advanced, T5 Polevocative Choreo, T5 Elementary Pole Tricks, Static Flow Tricks (Inter 3+), T5 Intro to Backbends, T5 Pre-Advanced Pole Tricks, T5 Russian EXO (Pole Choreo), T5 Inter 2 Pole Tricks, T5 Intro to Heels (Pole Choreo), Elementary Pole Routine, T5 Yoga & Pilates, T5 Full Body Stretch, Beginners Pole Routine, T5 Lyrical Pole Choreo (All Levels), T6 Sensual Pole Choreo, T5 Pole Heels Choreo, T5 Intro to Polevocative, T5 Elementary Aerial Tricks, Beginners Aerial Routine, T5 Inter 1/2 Aerial Tricks, T5 Sassy Heels (Non-Pole), T5 Urban Heels (Non-pole dance), T5 Beginners Pole Tricks, T5 All About Splits, Doubles Acro (Open Level), T5 Upside Down Bootcamp (Elem+), T5 Handstands, Acro & Floor Tricks, T5 Intro to Pre-Advance Pole Tricks, Stretch with Mucci (All levels), Int 1/2 Aerial Routine, T5 TEEN Aerial Fitness, T5 Sensual Chair Choreo, T5 Intro to Slinky Pole Choreo (Open Level), T5 Trendy Tricks (Inter 2+), T6 Basework Basics (Elem+), T6 Heels Flow (Pole Choreo), T6 Inter 3 Tricks, T6 Pre-Advanced/Advanced Tricks, T6 XO Flow (Pole Choreo), T6 XO Flow Intermediate (Pole Choreo), T6 Movement Academy, T6 Intermediate Sling Tricks, T6 Beginners Pole Tricks, T6 Elementary Pole Tricks, T6 Elementary Aerial (Sling + Lyra), T6 Urban Heels (Non-pole dance), T6 High Intermediate Lyra Tricks, T6 All About Splits, T6 Russian EXO (Pole Choreo), T6 Trendy Tricks (Inter 2+), T6 Inter 2/3 Tricks, T6 Beginners Heels Dance (Non-pole dance), T6 Bend It Like Mucci (All levels), T5 KIDs Acro, T6 Intro to Heels (Pole Choreo), T6 Active Flex, T6 Upside Down Bootcamp (Elem+), T6 Handstands and Acro, T6 Lyrical Pole Choreo (All Levels), T6 Intro to Static (Inter 2+), T6 Soothe & Stretch (All levels), T6 Beginners Adults Ballet (No Pole - ALL LEVELS), T6 Inter 2 Tricks, Workshop: Chains n Trapeze (All levels), T6 Basework Intermediate, Pretty Spin Pole (Inter 3+), Doubles Floorgasm (Open Level), Pretty Spin Pole (Inter 1/2 +), Pretty Spin Pole (Beg/ Elem +), Inter Liquid Flow (Pole Choreo), Fiery Sensual Choreo (Open Level - 1.5hrs), Bad Bitch Pole Choreo (Open Level - 1.5 hrs), Bendy Secrets (Open Level - 1.5 hrs), Pretty Spin Pole (Elem +), Majestic Spin Flow (Inter 3+), Pretty Lyra Flow (Elem+), Russian XO Choreo (Open Level - 1.5hrs), Inter XO Tricks, Trendy Tricks (Inter 2/3+), All About Splits, Active Flex, Basework Basics (Elem+), Basework Inter (Int 1+), T1 Adults Ballet, Beginners Aerial Tricks, T1 Beginners Heels Dance (Non-pole dance), Beginners Pole Tricks, Bend It Like Mucci (All levels), Elementary Aerial Tricks, Elementary Pole Tricks, T1 KIDS Aerial Yoga (Ages 6-11), Heels Flow (Pole Choreo), Handstands & Acro, T1 Inter 1 Pole Tricks, Inter 2 Pole Tricks, T1 Inter 2/3 Pole Tricks, Inter 3 Pole Tricks, Inter 1 Aerial Tricks (Sling + Lyra), T1 Intro to Heels (Pole Choreo), T6 Intro to Static (Inter 1+), KIDs Acro (Ages 6-10), Lyrical Pole Choreo (All Levels), T1 Movement Academy, Polevocative Choreo, Russian EXO (Pole Choreo), Trendy Tricks (Inter 2+), Trendy Tricks (Inter 3+), T1 Upside Down Bootcamp (Elem+), T1 Intermediate Heels Dance (Non-pole dance), T1 XO Flow (Pole Choreo), T1 XO Flow Intermediate (Pole Choreo), T1 Baby XO Flow (Absolute Beginners), Full Body Stretch (All Levels), T1 Open Level Aerial (Baby-friendly under 6mths), T1 Pre-Advanced/Advanced Tricks, Freaky Floor Choreo, All Things Static (Int 2+), T1 Inter 2 Aerial (Sling + Lyra), Intro to Static (Inter 1+), T5 Exotic Tricks, Elementary Aerial Routine, Special Workshop: BALLET POLE CHOREO, T3 Beginners Pole Tricks, T3 Heels Flow (Pole Choreo), T3 Full Body Stretch (All Levels), T3 Elementary Aerial (Sling + Lyra), T3 Beginners Aerial Tricks, T3 Freaky Floor Choreo, T3 Inter 3 Pole Tricks, T3 Pre-Advanced Pole Tricks, T3 Inter 2 Pole Tricks, T3 Int 1/2 Aerial Tricks, T3 Polevocative Choreo, T3 Intro to Polevocative, T3 Sensual Chair Choreo, T3 All Things Static (Int 2+), T3 Intro to Pre-Advanced/Advanced Tricks, T3 Inter 3 Pole Tricks, T3 Inter 1 Pole Tricks, T3 Handstands & Acro, T3 Elementary Pole Tricks, T3 Intro to Heels Flow (Pole Choreo), T3 Intro to Slinky Pole Choreo (All Levels), T3 Russian EXO (Pole Choreo), T3 Basework Inter (Int 1+), T3 All About Splits, T3 Active Flex, T3 Bend It Like Mucci (All levels), T3 Intro to Backbends, T3 Open Urban Heels (All Levels), T3 Beginners Adults Ballet (No Pole - ALL LEVELS), T3 Lyrical Pole Choreo (All Levels), T3 KIDs Acro (Ages 6-10), T1 KIDS Aerial Sling Mini Term (Ages 6-11), T3 Trendy Tricks (Inter 2+), T3 Int 1/2 Aerial Tricks, T3 KIDS Aerial Sling Mini-Term (ages 6-10), POP-UP: Hardcore Heels (Pole Choreo), T4 Active Flex, T4 All About Splits, T4 All Things Static (Int 2+), T4 Basework Inter (Int 1+), T4 Beginners Adults Ballet Choreo, T4 Beginners Aerial Tricks, T4 Bend It Like Mucci (All levels), T4 Elementary Aerial (Sling + Lyra), T4 Elementary Aerial Routine (Sling), T4 Elementary Pole Tricks, T4 Freaky Floor Choreo, T4 Full Body Stretch (All Levels), T4 Handstands, Acro & Floor Tricks, T4 Hardcore Heels (Pole Choreo), T4 Heels Flow (Pole Choreo), T4 Inter 1/2 Aerial Tricks, T4 Inter 1 Pole Tricks, T4 Inter 2 Pole Routine, T4 Inter 3 Pole Tricks, T4 Intro to Backbends, T4 Intro to Heels Flow (Pole Choreo), T4 Intro to Pre-Advanced Pole Tricks, T4 Intro to Slinky Pole Choreo (All Levels), T4 KIDs Acro (Ages 6-10), T4 Lyrical Pole Choreo (All Levels), T4 Sassy Heels (All Levels), T4 XO Heels Advanced, T4 Pre-Advanced Pole Routine, T4 Russian EXO (Pole Choreo), T4 Sensual Chair Choreo, T4 Trendy Tricks (Inter 2+), T4 Inter 1 Pole Routine, T4 Inter 2 Pole Tricks, T4 Intro to Pre-Advanced Pole Routine, T4 Commercial Heels POP UP (All Levels), T4 Polevocative Choreo, T4 Beginners Pole Tricks, T4 Intro to Polevocative, POP-UP: Commercial Heels W/ Danni (Open Level), POP-UP: Sensual Heels W/ Alessia (Open Level), T5 Street Jazz W/ Alessia (Open Level), Beginners Pole Dance Mini-term, T5 All Things Static (Int 2+), T5 Freaky Floor Choreo, T5 Ballet Pole Choreography, T5 Basework Inter (Int 1+), T5 Baby Pole Choreo (Absolute Beginners), T5 Hardcore Heels (Pole Choreo), Special Workshop: CONTEMPORARY HEELS
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Get 16 Class Passes upfront every four months for just $193 every two months! But that's not all - you're not locked into any contract, and you can cancel anytime without any hassle.

Plus, your credits are here to stay! They last for a full 4 months, and any unused ones will keep rolling over for 2 months longer while the pass remains active!

Join us on this incredible fitness journey with the Membership that gives you freedom, flexibility, and endless possibilities! We can't wait to see you in class!

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