Purchase Option type:
MembershipNumber of Sessions:
Auto-renewAccess to Sessions:
This is an auto recurring membership All membership holders can sign-up for their desired classes a month in advance starting on the first of each month. If you do not sign-up in advance, you will not be cleared to attend class.
(If you purchase this option after the 1st of the month, please email in order for it to be activated)
“Unlimited Circus” means exactly just that! Unlimited circus classes! Come and train as often as you want, choose from our many different varieties of classes, PLUS open gym is included in this package. [Note, this is a monthly auto-recurring membership. All clients must email if they wish to purchase month to month. Proration is not available for this membership]
By purchasing the “Unlimited Circus” membership you are agreeing and understand that we may cancel classes due to holidays, travel plans, illness or emergencies. And understand that you will not be compensated for cancellation of class.
- Subtotal:
- $205.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $205.00