Single Session Class (Level 2 or All-Level)
Purchase Option type:
Session PassNumber of Sessions:
Does Not ExpireAccess to Sessions:
Pole Level 2, Pole Silks (Intro, Level 1), Open Pole, Dance it Out Choreography (Level 2), Pole Silks (Level 2), Pick a Trick (All-levels), Polestands (All-levels), Handstands and Hand Balancing, Flexibility and Conditioning, Freestyle, Holiday Showcase Rehearsal, Basework Basics and Floorwork, Chairplay, Contemporary Pole (Level 2), Foundational Dance and Heels Technique, Climb, Invert, and Shoulder Mount Conditioning, Restorative Full Body Stretching, Hardstyle Heels Flow (Level 2), Level 2/3, Dress Rehersal
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One-time visit, good for any type of Level 2 or All-Level class we offer. For Level 2 classes, participants must be able to safely invert from the floor without a spot, and with proper technique.
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- Subtotal:
- $30.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $30.00
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