New Students: First week $21
Purchase Option type:
Duration PassNumber of Sessions:
7 daysAccess to Sessions:
Yoga Fundamentals 1, Virtual Yoga Fundamentals 1, Yoga Sculpt, Virtual Yoga Sculpt, Stability and Flexibility, Virtual Yoga Fundamentals 2, Yoga Fundamentals 2, Virtual Stability and Flexibility, Hot Vinyasa, Stretch and Chill, Virtual Stretch and Chill, Restorative, Mixed Level Flow, Virtual Mixed Level Flow, Kids Back-to-School Yoga Camp, FREE Class - Led by the Teachers in Training, Virtual FREE Class - Led by the Teachers in Training, Yoga and Mimosas at the Bowery, De-stress and Chill Candlelit Class, Special New Years Burning Bowl Intention Setting Yoga Sculpt, Hot Slow Flow, Chakra Stretch and Chill: 1. Muladhara - Root Chakra, Chakra Stretch and Chill: 2. Svadhisthana Chakra, Chakra Stretch and Chill: 3. Manipura Chakra, Chakra Stretch and Chill: 4. Anahata Chakra, Chakra Stretch and Chill: 5. Vishuddha Chakra, Chakra Stretch and Chill: 6. Ajna Chakra, Chakra Stretch and Chill: 7. Sahasrara Chakra, Yoga Fundamentals 1 at Black Bob Park Farmers Market, Vision Board, Vinyasa, Move and Meditate: Yoga Fundamentals 1, Move and Meditate: Stretch and Chill, New Years Burning Bowl Intention Setting and Yoga, Yoga at Black Bob Park Farmers Market, Guided Meditation, Flow, Chair Yoga, Stability & Stretch, SURYA Balance Boost, Sculpt and Flow, De-stress & Chill Diwali Special, Halloween: Witches Brew & Yoga Flow too, Friendsgiving, SURYA Strength & Core, SURYA Gentle, SURYA Yoga Basics, SURYA Flow, SURYA Power
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One-week unlimited classes - expires 7 days after 1st class.
New students only.
No refunds.
Cannot be used for Beginner Series or special classes.
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- Subtotal:
- $21.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $21.00
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