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30 Class Card


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
12 months
Access to Sessions:
Lvl 3 - WuDang 28 Tai Chi (Park Class), ZOOM WuDang 28 (NO PARK TODAY), ZOOM WuDang 13 (NO PARK TODAY), Lvl 2 - WuDang Principles, WuDang Sword, Level 1 Tai Chi Intro, Lvl 2 - Tai Chi 24, Lvl 3 - WuDang 13 Tai Chi, Level 1 Tai Chi, Tai Chi Flow - All Levels, Qi Gong for Health - All Levels, WuDang Kung Fu - All Levels, ZOOM Level 1 Tai Chi (NO PARK TODAY), Lvl 3 - WuDang 28 Tai Chi, ZOOM WuDang Foundations, ZOOM Tai Chi 24 (NO PARK TODAY), Lvl 4 - WuDang 108 Tai Chi, WuDang 28 & 108 Review, ZOOM WuDang 108 (NO PARK TODAY), Lvl 2 - Tai Chi Flow, ZOOM Tai Chi Flow (NO PARK TODAY), Tai Chi Intro Course
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At $12/class the discounted 30 Class Card is designed for students that attend 2~3x /week on average. Class cards can be used for all In-person & Zoom classes with the exception of Tai Chi for Seniors (drop-in only). Family members can share a class card.

Class card can NOT be used for seminars, workshops or the online video library unless otherwise specified.  Class card expires after 12 months: NO EXTENSIONS are permitted.

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