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New Client 4 Week Special + 2 FREE Weeks!


Purchase Option type:
Duration Pass
Number of Sessions:
6 weeks
Access to Sessions:
TRX + Barre Mashup (55 min), Express Barre (45 min), Outdoor Barre at Newtown Park (Free Class), Signature Barre (55 min), TRX Strength & Stretch (45 min), TRX Strength, Cardio & Core (55 min), LIVESTREAM TRX + Barre Mashup (55 min), LIVESTREAM Express Barre (45 min), LIVESTREAM Signature Barre (55 min), LIVESTREAM TRX Strength & Stretch (45 min), LIVESTREAM TRX Strength, Cardio & Core (55 min), Express TRX + Barre Mashup (45 min), LIVESTREAM Express TRX + Barre Mashup (45 min), Barre & Book Club, LIVESTREAM Barre PLUS (55 min), Barre PLUS (55 min), Express Barre PLUS (45 min), LIVESTREAM Express Barre PLUS (45 min), 75 min Barre Burn, Yoga All Levels (Coed)—Bring Your Own Mat, LIVESTREAM Slay with Santa (55 min barre), LIVESTREAM 75 min barre, Barre Stretch (55 min), LIVESTREAM Barre Stretch (55 min), LIVESTREAM Express TRX Strength, Cardio & Core (45 min), Express TRX Strength, Cardio & Core (45 min)
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Get 6 weeks of muscle-toning, strength-building, and fat-burning barre, TRX, and yoga for the price of 4!

Your strongest summer body can be built NOW! Don’t wait! Available to new clients and those who have not been to Elevate in the past 3 months.

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