Homeschool Spring Semester, ESA
$700.00/6 months
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MembershipNumber of Sessions:
6 monthsAccess to Sessions:
Ballet Basics, Wk: Nutrition Coaching (weight management), Wk: Ashtanga (practice counts & adjustments), PC, Yoga (33077) Ashtanga (Full Primary+) -120min PC (rmG163), (I) Restorative Sound Healing, PC (II) Ashtanga Flow (1/2 Led Primary) Phoenix College, AYP (I) Ashtanga: Mysore (moving meditation), Pre-Natal Yoga/ baby & me, (I) Yin Yoga (in-studio), (I) Yoga Stretch & Guided Meditation (Nidra), Wk: Oil Bath, Wk: MUDRAS (Healing Hands), Wk Ayurveda: Food & Mental Health, Wk: Chataranga Dandasana, Wk: Sun Salutations, WK: Twisting, Wk: Yoga Poses: Hamstring modifications, Wk: Shoulders - Tension in your traps?, Wk: Sound Healing, Wk: Anatomy & Physiology - Jointed Together, Wk: History of yoga, Wk: I Foundational Ayurveda – History + Sister Science to Yoga, Teacher Training, PC, Q&A for 200/300 hr YTT-Yoga Teacher Training, WK Bandhas - lock your throat, belly and root...when and how., Free Couples Support Group, Free Potluck Game Night, Wk: The Business of Yoga I, Wk: Reflexology, (VIRTUAL) Ashtanga Flow (1/2 Primary), (I) Yin Yoga (VIRTUAL), Virtual Arm Balances, Inversions & Backbends, WK Transitions - The importance of moving between poses, WK Vision Board, WK Backbends PC (phoenix college), WK Ashtanga Sun Salutations A & B, WK 7 Headstands in Ashtanga, WK Sequencing, WK Ashtanga Standing Poses, WK Anatomy and Physiology 2: How low can you go...to the lower body, WK Relationships with Teacher/Student/Community, WK Anatomy and Physiology 1: Move on up...to upper body, WK Meditation, WK Props, WK Anatomy & Physiology : Explore the Core, WK Business II, WK Modifications, WK Anatomy Joints, WK Ashtanga Finishing, WK Yoga and Religion, WK Ayurveda Basics, WK Dristi, WK Prenatal, WK Ethics III, Wk: II. Ayurveda: Food and Mental Health, WK Pranayama, WK Ashtanga Kids Yoga, WK Sound, WK Savasana: resting pose, Wk: III. Ayurveda Tools + Therapies, WK History II, WK Oil Bath, WK Ayurveda- Panchakarma (cleanse), WK: Anatomy & Physiology: fascia, WK: Ashtanga Seated, WK Yoga Ethics I, Wyoming Ashtanga Full Primary, Intro to Gardening, Womens Pool Party, Las Cruces NM Ashtanga Workshop, PC mysore (PED101YO-10526) Summer 2024 (5/30-8/1)
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Access to all AYP classes for one child
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- Subtotal:
- $700.00
- Tax:
- $0.00
- Discount:
- $0.00
- Total:
- $700.00
New Student Couple $60 for 14 Days (Couple)
Introductory Offer
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