You can change a membership’s start date or auto-renewal date from the store. If desired, you can choose whether the membership should auto-renew from that date and charge a prorated amount to the client for the days between the purchase date and the start date. Prorating the price of the membership ensures the client only pays for the amount of time that they can access your services.
You can also allow clients to change the start date of a membership and prorate their first payment when they purchase a membership in the Client Web App or Achieve Client App. For more information, see Membership general information settings.
For information about changing the date that a membership is billed to a client after it is purchased, see Changing a membership billing date.
To set a membership start date from the shopping cart:
- Click the App Drawer button
- In the App Drawer, click Store.
- Select the client to whom you are making the sale in one of the following ways:
- To select an existing client, in the SEARCH CLIENT box, type the client’s name, and then select the client.
- To create a new client, click ADD CLIENT to create a new client profile, and then select the client.
- Under Products and Services, search for and select the membership you want to sell, and then click Add to cart. If you are using a barcode scanner, you can also scan the product you want to sell to add it the cart.
- In the shopping cart, next to the name of the item, click the Action button
and select Edit Details.
- Under START ON, select the starting date of the membership (the starting date must occur in the future).
- If the start date is set to occur in the future and the client should not be billed until this start date, set the Don’t bill the client until this date option to ON.
- If the membership should auto-renew, set the Auto-Renew option to ON.
- If the first payment should be prorated, set the Prorate first payment option to ON. Choose the date that should be prorated from and the amount that should be charged.
- To only charge a prorated amount for the first billing period, set the Pay for prorated period only option to ON.
- Click Proceed to Checkout.
- Select each payment method the client wants to use. In most cases, the total payment is split between the selected payment methods equally, but you can adjust the amounts as required. If you select Gift Cards, you must enter the required code, and the amount on the gift card will be entered automatically.
- Click Complete. The sale is complete.
- A receipt can be printed or emailed to the client at this time. For more information, see Printing receipts and Emailing receipts.