You can set pay rates for each of your staff members to determine and automatically track the pay they receive when they sell items in the store, take part in offering a service, or are paid by the hour at one of your locations. Each staff member’s pay rates are set individually, but you can copy pay rates from one staff member to another.
- Modifying a pay rate
- If you want to modify a staff member’s pay rate, you must create a new pay rate. If any modification is made to an existing pay rate, previously recorded payments in reports, except commission rates for purchase payments, will be modified.
- Retroactive commissions
- When a commission is applied to a staff member after a purchase is completed, it can’t be reversed. This means that incorrect commission rates will be reflected in your reports even if the sale is voided or refunded, and all payroll calculations will need to be manually adjusted.
- The following staff reports will be affected:
- To avoid this, double-check that each staff member’s commission pay rates are correct when you set a staff member’s pay rates.
- When a commission is applied to a staff member after a purchase is completed, it can’t be reversed. This means that incorrect commission rates will be reflected in your reports even if the sale is voided or refunded, and all payroll calculations will need to be manually adjusted.
To set a staff member’s pay rates:
- Click the App Drawer button
- In the App Drawer, click View All.
- In the list, click Setup. You can filter the list by entering Setup into the Search field.
- On the Setup menu, click Staff.
- On the Staff menu, click Staff Members.
- Click the staff member whose pay rates you want to configure. You may have to browse the list, use the Search option, or filter the list to find the staff member.
- In the staff member’s profile, click Pay Rates.
- Set the staff member’s pay rates, as follows:
- To copy existing pay rates from another staff member:
- Click Copy from another staff member.
- Under Staff member, select the staff member whose pay rates you want to copy.
- Under Pay rate, select each pay rate you want to copy.
- Click Save.
- To set a new pay rate for the staff member:
- Click Add new pay rate, then select the type of pay rate you want to add.
- Under Pay rate name, enter a name for the pay rate.
- Configure the pay rate. For more information about pay rate settings, see Pay rates.
- Click Add Rate.
- To copy existing pay rates from another staff member:
- Click Save. The staff member’s pay rates are saved.