Setting a Purchase Option to convert

A Purchase Option, such as a membership or a session pass, can be configured to automatically convert to a new Purchase Option when it expires or on a specific date. For example, if you require a minimum three-month membership commitment from your clients, you can choose to sell a three-month membership that will automatically convert to a month-to-month membership after it expires.

Purchase Options expire at 11:59 p.m. on their selected end date. When a Purchase Option converts, it will retain the payment method information that was set for the previous Purchase Option.

When you set a Purchase Option to convert, you can mark whether the conversion is an upgrade, a downgrade, or one of equal value. These conversion types can then be used to filter and track Purchase Option conversions in your reports. Currently, only the Memberships Report, Memberships Summary by Location Report, and Memberships Details by Location Report display conversion types.

You can also cancel the conversion for a Purchase Option that’s set to convert when it expires.

  • If a membership is set to expire and convert on a date that occurs while the membership is on hold, the membership will expire but won’t convert.
  • If an expiration date has been set for the Purchase Option, the Purchase Option won’t convert until all its sessions have been used or when the expiration date arrives.
  • If you set a client’s Purchase Option to convert on a future date and select the same date that an auto-payment is scheduled (the Purchase Option’s expiration date), the client will be charged for both the original Purchase Option and the new one. To correct this, you can refund the auto-payment on the client’s profile.
  • If a Purchase Option that’s set to convert has its expiration date changed to a date in the past, the Purchase Option will auto-renew instead of converting.
  • If a client has already made future scheduled payment(s) when their membership is converted to a new Purchase Option, their account balance will be automatically credited to reflect that payment. For example, a client has paid for two additional months of membership in advance at $50 a month. When the membership is converted, the client will receive a $100 credit in their account balance.
  • A negative number displayed under the Amount Owed column on the payment schedule indicates the amount of money that the business owes the client.
  • If a client makes a prorated membership payment that extends the length of the membership past its original expiration date, the membership won’t convert on the original expiration date. Instead, it will convert at the end of the prorated period. For more information, see Prorating membership payment.
  • Purchase Options that are set to convert immediately may take up to two hours to convert.

In this article:

    To set a Purchase Option to convert:

    1. Click the App Drawer button .
    2. In the App Drawer, click View All.
    3. In the list, click Setup. You can filter the list by entering Setup into the Search field.
    4. On the Setup menu, click Store Configuration.
    5. On the Store Configuration menu, click Purchase Options.
    6. In the list, click the Purchase Option you want to set to convert. You may have to browse the list, use the Search option, or filter the list to find the Purchase Option.
    7. Under After Expiration, click Auto-convert.
    8. Under CONVERT TO, select the Purchase Option to convert to after the original one expires.
    9. Under CONVERSION TYPE, select whether the conversion is an Upgrade, a Downgrade or of Equal Value.
    10. Determine whether clients will have the ability to opt out of the Purchase Option conversion. For more information, see After Expiration in Session pass general information settings, Membership general information settings, or Package general information settings.
      • Click Enable client control to give clients the ability to opt out of the Purchase Option conversion.
      • Click Disable client control to remove clients’ ability to opt out of the Purchase Option conversion.
    11. Click Save.

    To set a Purchase Option to convert from a client’s Passes & Memberships page:

    1. On the Top Nav Bar, click the Search button , and enter the client’s information in the box. You can enter the client’s name, phone number, email address, UID, or client ID.
    2. In the list of clients displayed, click the client’s name.
    3. On the side menu, click Account.
    4. On the Account menu, click Passes & Memberships.
    5. In the list, find the Purchase Option you want to convert. You may have to browse the list, use the Search option, or filter the list to find the Purchase Option.
    6. In the Action column, click the Action button and select Convert.
    7. On the Convert Purchase Option page, set the details for the Purchase Option’s conversion:
      1. Under Convert to, select the Purchase Option to convert to after the original one expires.
      2. Under Conversion type, select whether the conversion is an Upgrade, a Downgrade, or of Equal Value.
      3. Under CONVERSION BEHAVIOR, select when the conversion will occur:
        • To convert the Purchase Option now, select Convert now. You have the following options:
          • Convert without charging the client – The Purchase Option will convert immediately. For a membership, the client won’t be charged for the first scheduled payment. For a session pass, the client won’t be charged the price of the session pass.
          • Convert and charge the client – The Purchase Option will convert immediately, and the client will be charged for the new Purchase Option.
        • To convert the Purchase Option at a later date, select Convert later. You have the following options:
          • Convert after expiration – The Purchase Option will convert one day after its scheduled expiration date and the client will be charged for the new Purchase Option. If the current Purchase Option is set to auto-renew, it will convert instead.
          • Convert in the future and charge the client – On the date you specify, the Purchase Option will convert, and the client will be charged for the new Purchase Option. The client will continue to be charged any scheduled auto-payments on their Purchase Option prior to the conversion date.
    8. Click Save.
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