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Business policy settings
Updated over a month ago

This article describes all the settings available on the Business Policies page. For more information about business policies, see Business policies.




Clients must book a minimum of [number] [duration] before the start time of a session.

The minimum amount of time before the start of a session that a client can book the session.

For example, if the value is set to 12 hours and it is 7:00 a.m., and the class your client wants to book starts at 5:00 p.m., the client can’t book the class. Changing this setting won’t affect clients who have already booked a session.

Allow clients to book classes/events [number] minutes after the session has started

The amount of time after a session starts in which clients can still book themselves into the ongoing session. The maximum amount of time allowed is 480 minutes (8 hours).

If this setting is off, clients can’t book themselves into ongoing sessions.

Clients can book a maximum of [number] [duration] before the start time of a session.

The maximum amount of time before the start of a session that a client can book a session. For example, if the value is set to one day and a class is scheduled for 3:00pm on April 1, your clients can’t book the class before 3:00pm on March 31. Changing this setting won’t affect clients who have already booked a session.


  • The time selected in this setting is relative to the session’s start time in the business location’s time zone, not a client’s time zone.

  • This business policy can affect events that require clients to book all sessions at once. If you require clients to book all sessions of an event at once, the sessions must occur within the time frame specified here. Otherwise, clients won’t be able to book the entire event. For example, if you set this policy to a maximum of one week and create an event that lasts two weeks and requires clients to book all sessions at once, no clients will be able to book that event. To allow clients to book that event, you must set the policy to at least two weeks.

Clients can only book sessions within their current paid period

When this option is set to ON, clients can only book sessions within the duration of time the applicable Purchase Option is active and within fully paid future payment periods.

This setting doesn’t affect staff members with the Book clients outside their current paid period staff role permission.

Clients with a negative account balance cannot book services

When this option is set to ON, clients who owe money to your business won’t be allowed to book sessions.

Clients who have already booked sessions with a negative balance will remain in their booked sessions, but they won’t be able to book any more sessions until their balance becomes positive.

Restrict dependents from booking services if the payor has a negative account balance

This option is only available if the Clients with a negative account balance cannot book services option is set to ON.

Dependents are client accounts that are paid for by a relationship profile. When this option is set to ON, dependents won’t be able to book services if the associated relationship profile has a negative account balance.

Allow clients to make recurring bookings

When this option is set to ON, clients can book their own recurring appointments and recurring classes from the Client Web App. Changing this setting won’t affect clients who have already booked recurring sessions.


  • When no end date is selected, the system books six months of recurring appointments. After one month, and every month thereafter, the system books another month of appointments to maintain six months of bookings for the client.
    For example, if on January 1, you book a weekly recurring appointment with no end date, the system will automatically book appointments from January 1 to June 30. On February 1, the system will automatically book appointments for the month of July, and the process will continue to repeat at the beginning of each new month.

  • The business policies in effect at the time of the original booking are used for all recurring bookings, even if the policies are changed at a later date.

Class bookings default to recurring with no end date

When this option is set to ON, recurring class bookings will be set to Never end by default. This option is only available if Allow clients to make recurring bookings is set to ON.

Restrict appointment bookings to weekly recurring with no end date

When this option is set to ON, appointment bookings will be set to recur weekly, without an end date.

This option is only available if Allow clients to make recurring bookings is set to ON.

Clients must sign in to view available appointments

When this option is set to ON, clients are prompted to sign in when they click Appointments under the Book Now tab on the Client Web App and when they’re booking an appointment through the Appointment Widget.

Note: When this option is set to OFF, appointment restrictions (like requirements for client age or client type) are displayed under the appointment duration or in the expanded appointment description when the client is selecting a service.

Restrict staff from booking or purchasing for clients with unsigned contracts

When this option is set to ON, staff members can’t book services or make purchases on behalf of clients who haven’t signed the required contract associated with their Purchase Option.

Allow clients to select a date and time, then the available asset

When this option is set to ON, clients will be prompted to select a date and time before selecting the asset when booking a standalone asset from the Client Web App.

When this option is set to OFF, clients will be prompted to select an asset before selecting the date and time when booking a standalone asset from the Client Web App. By default, this option is set to OFF.

Note: This setting will only affect the asset booking flow in the Client Web App. Staff members who are booking an asset on behalf of clients from the Staff Back Office will continue using the default booking flow, which is choosing the asset before the date and time.

Allow clients to book multiple appointments

When this option is set to ON, clients can book multiple appointments during the same booking flow from the Client Web App. Clients can select different appointment types, provided those appointment types also have this setting enabled.

Allow clients to book back-to-back appointments

When this option is set to ON, clients can book multiple appointments in consecutive time slots during the same booking flow from the Client Web App. Clients can select different appointment types provided those appointment types also have this setting enabled.

After selecting multiple appointments, the client sets the start time for the first appointment. The remaining appointments will be automatically scheduled in consecutive time slots after the first appointment.

For example, if a client selects two 30-minute appointments and sets the first appointment at 1:00 p.m., the second appointment will be automatically scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on the same day.

If this option is set to OFF, clients must manually set the dates and start times for each appointment when booking multiple appointments.

This option is only available if the Allow clients to book multiple appointments option is set to ON.

Note: If a client selects back-to-back booking, they can’t book recurring appointments.




Late cancellation period

Determines the minimum amount of time before a booked session that a client can cancel without incurring a penalty. For example, if the value is set to 24 hours and your client has a class on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m., the client must cancel before Monday at 4:00 p.m. of the same week to avoid incurring a penalty.

When you change this policy, the updated policy will automatically apply to sessions that are scheduled moving forward and won’t affect clients who have already canceled a session. In addition, you can choose whether to apply the updated policy to sessions that were previously scheduled.

Note: The setting Enable a grace period of [number] [duration] after booking to cancel without penalty takes precedence over this setting.

For example, if you’ve enabled a grace period of two days after booking and have the late cancellation period set to one week, a client can book a session three days before it’s scheduled to take place but cancel it on the same day if needed, without incurring a penalty.

Allow clients to cancel

Determines whether clients can cancel their service bookings. If this option is set to ON, clients can cancel their bookings from the Client Portal or the Achieve Client App.

If this option is set to OFF, clients can’t cancel their own bookings. Be sure to remove all instances of the [ButtonCancel] email variable from any templates that include it. If the variable isn’t removed, when clients click the button, they’ll be directed to a page that informs them that your business doesn’t permit canceling reservations online and prompts the client to call your business directly.

Require clients to sign in when they are canceling or confirming a session

Determines whether clients are required to sign in to their account with your business when they click the cancellation or confirmation buttons in an email notification.

Note: The sign-in screen that clients are directed to when they click the cancellation or confirmation buttons in an email notification can be used by either clients or staff members to sign in to their WellnessLiving account.

Auto-cancel prospects up to [number] [duration] before a session.

The amount of time before a prospective client is automatically removed from a session that was booked through a promotional or third-party website that’s integrated with WellnessLiving’s class schedule, such as ClassPass or Wellhub. This setting allows your business to accommodate your existing clients who are trying to book the session. Changing this setting won’t affect prospective clients who have already booked a session.

Enable a grace period of [number] [duration] after booking to cancel the session without penalty

When this option is set to ON, clients can book a class, appointment, event, or Book-a-Spot asset and cancel it within the grace period without incurring any penalties. Changing this setting won’t affect clients who already canceled a session within the previously set grace period. However, refunds won’t be issued to clients who were charged for canceling after the previously set grace period.

Cancellation & no-show penalties


  • If you select the % option, the client’s penalty will be calculated based on the price of the individual session. If the client has no-shows and late cancels for multiple services, the penalty will be calculated using the most expensive session. For example, if service A costs $75 per session and service B costs $100 per session, the client will be charged a penalty fee of a percentage of $100 when they exceed the set number of no-shows and/or late cancels.

  • When a ClassPass user books a service with your business through ClassPass, the user pays ClassPass, who then issues payment for the service to your business. Any late fees are issued and paid for through ClassPass. To ensure that ClassPass users aren’t double billed or blocked from booking your services, when a client late cancels or no shows to their booking through ClassPass, their account won’t be penalized in WellnessLiving.



Type and threshold

Determines the type of cancellation and no-show penalty you want to set for clients and the threshold for when they will be charged with this penalty.

For example, if you set the Type to Late cancels or no-shows and set the Threshold value to 3 times in 1 week, clients will be penalized if they cancel or no-show a session more than three times in one week.


Determines the penalty for clients.

  • If Flag client account is selected it adds a flag to the client’s account, preventing them from booking any future sessions until flag is removed.

  • If Charge client [number] is selected you can set a $ or % amount for the client to be charged.

Note: The % is the percentage of the drop in fee associated to the service.

Applicable client types

Determines the client types that may incur this penalty.

Applicable services

Determines which service types will use these penalty rules.

Wait list



Enable wait list / Disable wait list

Determines whether clients can join a wait list for an event, class, appointment, or asset that is fully booked. Changing this setting won’t affect clients who are already on a wait list.

After enabling wait lists, you can select which services are permitted to have a wait list. Under Allow wait list for, select the checkbox beside the service types you would like to have a wait list enabled.

Allow clients to join the wait list unpaid

Determines whether clients can join a wait list for an appointment, asset, class, and event without paying for the service beforehand. Clients must have a credit card or ACH account saved to their profile to join the wait list. If a client doesn’t have one of these payment methods saved to their profile, they’ll be required to add a credit card.

When this option is set to ON, clients will be allowed to join the wait list without paying for the service.

Automatically charge the client the drop-in rate upon promotion

Determines whether a client is automatically charged when they are promoted from the wait list. This setting is only visible when the Allow clients to join the wait list unpaid option is set to ON.

When this option is set to ON, clients will be automatically marked as Paid, if they own an applicable Purchase Option that can be used for the service booking. Otherwise, they’ll be automatically charged the drop-in rate for the service, but only if clients are allowed to purchase drop-in sessions and a fixed rate has been set.

When this option is set to OFF, clients are promoted from the wait list to the service without being automatically charged. Clients won’t pay for the service until they’re manually charged.

Note: When this option is set to ON, there may be a delay in charging the client after they’ve been promoted from the wait list.

Limit the maximum number of clients on wait list to [number]

Determines whether the wait list will be capped at a maximum number of clients. This option is only available when wait lists are enabled for one or more service types.

When this option is set to ON, there will be a limit on the maximum number of clients permitted to join the associated service’s wait list. Specify the maximum number of clients permitted to join the wait list in the adjacent field. When this option is set to OFF, there will be no limit on the number of clients permitted to join the wait list.

Wait List Promotion

Determines whether clients will be promoted from a wait list automatically. The wait list promotion options are only available when wait lists are enabled for one or more service types.

Select one of the following wait list promotion options:

  • Clients are promoted automatically in the order they joined the wait list up to [number] [duration] before session start time

    • The client will be automatically promoted from the wait list to the attendance list for a session if another client cancels their booking within the set time.

    • For example, if this setting is selected and set to 48 hours and a client cancels their booking 49 hours before the session begins, the first client on the wait list for that session will automatically be promoted to the attendance list.

  • Clients are notified to accept in the order they joined the wait list and have [number][duration] until the next person is notified.

    • If this is selected, the client who has been on the wait list the longest will receive the Class Wait List Promotion (Client Confirmation Required) email when a spot becomes available, and their information will appear in the Wait for Confirm List section under the attendance list. The client must click the button provided in the email within the specified amount of time to confirm their booking and move to the attendance list.

    • If the client doesn’t confirm their promotion from the wait list within the specified amount of time, the next client on the wait list will be sent a Class Wait List Promotion (Client Confirmation Required) email.

    • For example, if this setting is selected and set to 2 hours, but the first client on the wait list doesn’t confirm within two hours of receiving the Class Wait List Promotion (Client Confirmation Required) email, the next client on the wait list will be sent the email.

  • Fastest Response

    • When enabled, a notification is sent to all clients on the wait list simultaneously when a spot opens up. The first client to respond will secure the spot, while the others will receive a message indicating that the service is fully booked.

    • If no client has responded yet and another spot becomes available, notifications will be resent to all wait-listed clients. Similarly, if a spot opens up after a client has already confirmed, the remaining clients on the wait list will receive a new notification.

    • By default, the cut-off time for these notifications is set to 1 hour before the service begins.

Attendance tracking

Specific attendance tracking options exist for in-person and virtual services.

In-Person Services



After an in-person service ends, mark client as [status]

Select the attendance status that should be automatically assigned to clients after an in-person session is finished. Your choices are:

  • Checked-in – Treat all clients as if they checked in to the service. This requires the staff member to manually change the status of those who didn’t show up to No-show.

  • No-show – Treat all clients as if they didn’t show up for the service. This requires the staff member to manually change the status of those who attended to Checked-in.

  • Pending – Treat all clients as pending. This requires the staff member to change the status of each client who attended to Checked-in, and each client who didn’t show up to No-show.

Virtual services



Start non-integrated virtual sessions automatically [number] minutes before the scheduled start time

If this option is set to ON, clients will be able to join non-integrated virtual service sessions the set number of minutes before the start time without requiring the host to start it first. The set number of minutes must be between 0 and 60, or an error will appear.

If this option is set to OFF, clients won’t be able to join non-integrated virtual service sessions until the host starts the session.

Mark clients as checked-in when they join a virtual session via the join link

If this option is set to ON, the attendance status of clients who join a virtual service through the virtual service link provided in their service notifications will be automatically set to Checked-in when their session ends on WellnessLiving. If a client joins the virtual session through another method or doesn’t join the virtual service, their attendance status will be automatically set to No-show when their session ends on WellnessLiving.

Note: Automatic attendance tracking requires staff members to start virtual services from within WellnessLiving. For more information, see hosting a virtual service.

If this option is set to OFF, the After a virtual service is finished, mark client as [status] option will appear. Select a status from the list that should be automatically assigned to clients after a virtual session is finished. Your choices are:

  • Checked-in – Treat all clients as if they checked in to the service. This requires the staff member to manually change the status of those who didn’t show up to No-show.

  • No-show – Treat all clients as if they didn’t show up for the service. This requires the staff member to manually change the status of those who attended to Checked-in.

  • Pending – Treat all clients as pending. This requires the staff member to change the status of each client who attended to Checked-in, and each client who didn’t show up to No-show.

Time zone



Allow clients to adjust time zone

Determines whether clients can adjust their time zone. If this setting is enabled, the Time zone field will appear within every client profile. By default, this field will be automatically filled out in each client’s profile based on their home location.

Note: If the Time zone is changed within a client’s profile, the class schedule within the Client Web App, Custom Schedule Widget, and standard schedule widget will reflect this change. If the user isn’t signed in, the class schedule within the schedule widgets and the Client Web App will be displayed using the time zone in the client’s browser. If the client’s browser location isn’t available, the class schedule will be displayed using your business’s time zone.

Each service under a client’s attendance history and upcoming schedule will also be displayed using their selected time zone.

Caution: Selecting any of the standard time zones (such as Eastern Standard Time) won’t automatically adjust the system for daylight saving time. Use any of the daylight time zones (such as Eastern Daylight Time) to ensure the system automatically adjusts the time for daylight saving time.




Staff members will be logged out after [number] minutes of inactivity

When a staff member has been inactive for this amount of time, they will be automatically signed out of the system and returned to the sign-in page. The value must be between 2 and 720 minutes.

Clients cannot edit their profile picture after registering

When this option is set to ON, clients are unable to change their profile picture once it has been uploaded. Only staff members can change profile pictures for clients.

Restrict staff member access by IP Address.

When this option is set to ON, staff members can only sign in from preapproved IP addresses.

If IP restrictions are enabled, staff members will no longer be able to sign in to the Elevate Staff App.

If IP restrictions are enabled, staff members signing in to WellnessLiving from an IP address that isn’t preapproved will be automatically signed in to the Client Web App through their client profile. If the staff member tries to sign in as a staff member, an error message will notify them they aren’t signing in from an approved IP address.

Display relationships on the Client Web App and the Achieve Client App

When this option is set to ON, clients using the Client Web App or the Achieve Client App can view the Family Members tab on the Overview page. Additionally, clients can link the profile of any related clients to their own profile as a family member.

Allow clients to sign in to and edit related profiles of the selected relationship types

When this option is set to ON, clients can modify profile details. You can also select which type of relationships this policy applies to.

When this option is set to OFF, clients can’t modify profile details. The following restrictions also apply:

  • On the Profile Details page, clients can only view the relationship type, profile image, first name, last name, and email of their family member’s profile. If the client is set to pay for the family member, their name will be displayed in the payee field, which is non-editable.

  • Clients can’t view alerts relating to the family member’s profile.

Allow clients to view profile attachments in the Client Portal.

Allows you to control which profile attachments are visible to clients on their profile. This will also allow clients to download the attachments that they can see on their profile.

Allow clients to book their relationships without switching profiles

When this option is set to ON, clients can book services for family members without switching profiles.

Automatic payments



Relationship Payments

Combines payments for clients that pay on behalf of their relationships. If this option is set to ON, payments due on the same day for a client’s relationships will be grouped into a single transaction.

Collect Outstanding Balances

Charges client’s with a negative account balance. If this option is set to ON, the client’s default payment method on file will be charged when there's a negative account balance.

Determine the Charge Schedule for clients with negative account balances by selecting either the 1st or 15th of the month, or a specific day of the week. For example, if the 1st of each month is chosen, clients with an outstanding or negative balance will have their default payment method charged on the 1st of every month.


  • A charge won’t be attempted if there is no valid payment method.

  • If a client has a negative account balance and their profile is deactivated, the system will still attempt to charge the payment method on the deactivated profile

Payment Reattempts

Determine the number of reattempts to process the failed auto-payment. The reattempts occur once every two days.

If you allow multiple payment attempts, the system will first charge the client's initial credit card. If that fails, it will try the most recently added card. If the recently added credit card is the default credit card, it will keep charging the default card. This payment behavior doesn’t apply to ACH transactions.

Any failed payment fees charged to the client will be recorded in the system under the Fees revenue category.

Determine Exceptions for clients and select the reasons for not reattempting payments based on the decline reasons. These reasons can include insufficient funds, invalid card details, processor errors, and more. For more information, see Processor error codes and their definitions.

A fixed-rate fee charged to the client’s account after the final payment attempt fails. If this option is set to ON, you can select Charge Amount issued for clients after the final payment reattempt has failed.

This option is only available when the Reattempt failed automatic payments option is set to ON.


  • When attempts to collect an outstanding balance fail, the system will not charge decline fees, regardless of the settings above.

  • If a client makes a manual payment for a failed auto-payment, the auto-payment won’t be reattempted. Staff members can check the amount owed for a failed payment by viewing the payment schedule for the client’s Purchase Option.

  • Deactivating a client’s Purchase Option will prevent any further auto-payments from being attempted on it after the deactivation date.

  • Cancelling a Purchase Option won’t stop an auto-payment from being reattempted if the failed payment occurred before the cancellation.

  • If a credit card is deleted, the ensuing auto-payment reattempt will automatically be applied to a client’s account balance.

  • Re-attempts on payment won’t continue after the client is sent to collections. Their failed payment will be charged to their account balance before the client is sent to collections.

Purchase Options



Enable priority levels to determine which Purchase Option is used when booking a service

When this option is set to ON, you can assign a priority level to memberships and session passes.

When booking a service, the Purchase Options that are assigned a higher priority level will be used to pay for the service.

If multiple Purchase Options have the same priority level, the Purchase Option with the earliest expiration date will be used to pay for the service first. For more information on assigning priority levels to Purchase Options, see Membership advanced settings and Session pass advanced settings.



  • These options only apply to the sign-in screen for the Client Web App (including direct URLs for services, products, and forms) and the White Label Achieve Client App. Sign-in options can’t be changed for the sign-in screen on the Basic Achieve Client App or the sign-in page for the Staff Back Office.

  • If a client signs up using any of the accounts below, a client profile will be created for them even if the client didn’t enter the required information at registration. The client will be prompted to enter the required information when they sign in to the Client Web App or the Achieve Client App.



Google sign-in

To allow clients to sign up and sign in to your business using their Google account, set this option to ON.

If you set this option to OFF, clients that have already registered with your business using their Google account must click Forgot password? on the sign-in screen to reset their credentials.

Facebook sign-in

To allow clients to sign up and sign in to your business using their Facebook account, set this option to ON.

If you set this option to OFF, clients that have already registered with your business using their Facebook account must click Forgot password? on the sign-in screen to reset their credentials.

Microsoft sign-in

To allow clients to sign up and sign in to your business using their Microsoft account, set this option to ON.

If you set this option to OFF, clients who have already registered with your business using their Microsoft account must click Forgot password? on the sign-in screen to reset their credentials.

Note: The Microsoft Outlook integration can only be used with personal Microsoft accounts. If staff members and clients want to connect their organizational Microsoft accounts, they must contact WellnessLiving Support for further assistance.

Apple sign-in

To allow clients to sign up and sign in to your business using their Apple ID, set this option to ON.

If you set this option to OFF, clients who have already registered with your business using their Apple ID must click Forgot password? on the sign-in screen to reset their credentials.

Client Settings



Show client vaccination status

When this option is set to ON, you’ll be able to set a client’s vaccination status on the Overview page of their client profile.

Automatically generate client IDs for new clients

When this option is set to ON, client IDs will be automatically generated when a new client profile is created. Changing this setting won’t affect existing client profiles.

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