Reiki I Training
With Reiki Master Claudine Fenniman
Open to all with the desire to learn more about this powerful healing energy.
This training will offer you the opportunity to deepen your Spiritual practice and provide you with the tools to access self treatment and aid others in their healing.
Training includes:
Two - First Degree attunements
An understanding of Reiki and its history
The Five Reiki Principles
Full Instruction/ hand positions:
- Self Treatment
- Chair Reiki
- Full Session on table
Instructional manual
First Degree Reiki certificate
This class includes time for practice and discussion
Cost: $200
Manuals and certificates will be printed in your name
***There will be a break for lunch, please bring something with you.

In Reiki III you will receive the Expert symbol, meaning and application, learn Japanese diagnostic techniques, ways to strengthen your energetic boundaries and deepen your intuition.
*Reiki I & II must be completed before this training. *
Training includes:
Two - Third Degree attunements
Expert/Master Degree Symbol to enhance your practice
Advanced Diagnostic Techniques
Information on the Subtle Body
Strengthening your energetic boundaries
Instructional manual
Third Degree Reiki certificate
Cost: $250
Manuals and certificates will be printed in your name
***There will be a break for lunch, please bring something with you.