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eZential Wellness
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Autumn Equinox Somatic Journey
Sep 20, 2024 - Sep 20, 2024

Autumn brings a time of gathering and gratitude to cultivate and remind us why finding joy in the small things brings us harmony.

Join Katie in celebrating the new season by embracing release through gentle somatic yoga (a type of yoga movement designed to release stored stressed emotions in the body) and breath-work to relax your nervous system. Stay for a relaxing journey meditation with Drum and a Tibetan Bowl Sound Bath followed by a Gratitude Card or Spirit Animal Card drawing of your choice to reflect upon before you leave.

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Programme or Emploi du temps
Sep 20, 2024
5:30après-midi / soir - 7:00après-midi / soir EDT
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The Book Club for Personal Power & Insight
Sep 27, 2024 - Sep 27, 2024

Our monthly book club is open to members and non-members of our studio, and is a free event for anyone to join at any time! You are welcome to join us, even if you have not read the current book. You can still benefit from community and conversation, then help us choose the next book!

We will be meeting on the last Friday of each month to discuss our book (chosen at the previous months' meeting). There will be no meeting in August or December, and we will be meeting on the 3rd Friday of the month in November (11/22).

2024 Theme: Personal Power/Insight
In Numerology, it is believed that each year holds a certain energetic vibration, based on what the four individual digits of that year add up to, and this is called the Universal Year Number. So, for 2024, the Universal Year is 8 (2+0+2+4=8). The number 8 is all about developing personal power, inner strength, and self development. Therefore, for 2024 we will be focusing on books with those themes. (Free to attend!)

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Programme or Emploi du temps
Sep 27, 2024
11:30du matin - 1:00après-midi / soir EDT
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Embrace the Heart: Tools for Calmness & Clarity
Sep 27, 2024 - Sep 27, 2024

Are you ready to enhance your well being and find a deeper sense of inner peace? Discover the transformative power of +Heartmath!

Join certified Heartmath facilitator, Pamela Yula for this interactive and dynamic workshop and learn effective ways to transform stress into your strength and improve the quality of your life.

In this workshop you will be introduced to the +Heartmath techniques and learn simple and actionable tools to integrate into your life to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood and increase your joy, enhance your cognitive abilities, improve sleep quality, and increase your ability to bounce back from stress with renewed energy.

“When we achieve heart -brain coherence, we are better able to manage our thoughts and feelings, which leads to improved health and well being.” Rollin McCraty Director of Research at Heartmath

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Programme or Emploi du temps
Sep 27, 2024
6:00après-midi / soir - 7:00après-midi / soir EDT
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Angelic Healing Mantras & Crystal Singing Bowls for Inner Peace
Sep 28, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024
Experience a loving and unique group meditation with Harmonic Chants and Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls to help activate your Heart Center and obtain inner peace. During these difficult moments of Humanity, much more World Inner Peace is needed! This group meditation will help you heal on the inside while also emitting high vibrations of love to heal our planet.
Close your eyes, listen, and receive the blessings of healing from Universal Source Energy, as Rafael recites special chants/prayers which will feel like a healing balm to your soul; especially for those who feel anxious, worried, or depressed from today's stressors. Here, you will connect with the Beings of Light as Universal Source Energy, the Archangels, and the Angels of Light, help you to reconnect to the Divinity within You.
Om, Peace, Peace, Peace!
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Programme or Emploi du temps
Sep 28, 2024
2:00après-midi / soir - 4:00après-midi / soir EDT
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Intimate Group Mediumship Gallery
Oct 6, 2024 - Oct 6, 2024

Experience connection with loved ones who have passed in an intimate group setting limited to 12 participants. This allows for greater chances of being read, and hearing messages of guidance and support from those on the other side.

Your guide, Brian, is a self-taught intuitive medium and healer. His spiritual journey began when attending a past life regression session given by a third-generation intuitive medium. During this session, Brian experienced several past lives and saw a golden/sunlight aura surrounding the medium hosting the event. This medium confirmed that she saw Brian as well, in an out-of-body state, and they both experienced a “Soul to Soul” connection.” Two weeks later Brian's eldest son unexpectedly passed away. Since then, his spiritual gifts have grown exponentially, and he has been able to communicate with his son on the other side. Brian feels his purpose in life is to help others connect and heal from the passing of those they love.

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Programme or Emploi du temps
Oct 6, 2024
1:00après-midi / soir - 2:00après-midi / soir EDT
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