Why You Should Be Texting Your Members
If you’re a fitness professional navigating your way through COVID-19, it’s time to look at how you’re connecting with your community. Focusing on retaining clients, continuing to build relationships and growing your client base while your doors are temporarily closed will save your business. Connection is the key! Are you reaching out to your members? Texting is a great way to approach retention, especially as you get through this pandemic!
While email marketing was the go-to of the past, studies show that with increased spam filters, privacy laws and faster alternatives, its success has declined by 25%. That same study shows that the open rates for SMS marketing typically looks like 82%, making it today’s most effective method of reaching your audience!
Texting your members is the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to stay in regular contact with your community. Here’s why you need to be texting your members during COVID-19:
Keep it personal
Relationship-building is how you built your business – OK, it was through real-life interaction, but don’t drift apart just because we’re social distancing. Stay in touch with your best members by checking in on them, providing support and showing that you care, all via text. The simple step of maintaining that personal connection can result in them choosing, especially now when everyone has gone online!
Send reminders
Get information to your clients instantly and be sure your messages get seen! Email and social media are great tools to stay connected, but they rely on people opening up their accounts to see your message. To reach people quickly with a last-minute reminder about your online classes or a time-sensitive announcement on your virtual event, texting is your best bet!
While many of your clients may be working from home or looking after children, they’ll likely appreciate you breaking up their day with a healthy reminder. Even better, include direct links to your upcoming livestream, online class or social media content so they don’t forget and can access it quickly when they have some time.
Keep them updated
And once you’ve reminded clients about your content, texting can then update them about what’s new! Send them the information they need to stay up-to-date on your business so they don’t miss a beat while you’re apart. Here are some things you can update clients on:
- COVID-19 reports, industry news and updates from your business.
- New services you’re providing them like giving them the option to rent or purchase equipment so they can workout at home.
- Added value with free rentals, discounts, or virtual memberships with on-demand or online classes, workouts, appointments, lessons, or sessions.
- New programs, workshops, or services you’re launching when you reopen.
Be the inspiration
Don’t let your community down! Use your text campaign to keep your community engaged and inspired! Remember, they are still your clients, so use your communication to encourage them to stay healthy and motivated.
You can send inspiring quotes, tips on getting better sleep, quick and healthy meal suggestions and more! This is a great way to encourage dialogue. Ask them about their routines, progress and check in to stay up to date on how they’re working towards their goals. Ask them to keep in touch by responding to your questions, expressing their concerns or just taking part in friendly dialogue.
Do it right
To get the most out of your text or SMS campaign, make sure you’re using the best tools for the job! WellnessLiving’s business management software offers the automated marketing features you need (among many others) for a successful texting campaign. Here are just a few of the features to look for to get the most out of your automated marketing campaign:
- Creating your own template or use default templates to get your message across.
- Scheduling your texts to send automatically so you can plan ahead and stay organized.
- Personalizing your messages by creating smaller text groups (like class registrants) to send them targeted reminders.
- Accessing a searchable history report of past text campaigns with a resend option to adjust or repeat marketing successes.
- Auto messaging (send an anniversary message, for example) so you don’t forget important milestones.
Get set up with the tools you need to connect with your clients effectively!
Texting to retain clients
By texting effectively, your business will leave a lasting impression on your clients! As COVID-19 continues, this is the time you need to continue to maintain a connection by texting your members. Update clients on new services like renting equipment, send reminders about your online classes or virtual events, and inspire and motivate clients to get on track!
WellnessLiving’s all-in-one software can help you build relationships with your loyal following and set up your automated marketing campaigns to engage your community and retain clients! WellnessLiving is all about giving you all the tools for growing your business! Interested in learning more? Book a no-commitment demo today!