Release Notes November 2022 Version 22.55

As the holiday season fast approaches and you begin planning for the New Year’s rush, we have some exciting new features and improvements to help your business thrive and end your year strong.
In this release, you can expect to see some highly requested functionality and improvements added to the WellnessLiving platform, like the ability to set availability for business hours, staff, and assets 24/7, additional settings for wait lists and memberships, a new look and feel for our attendance lists in the Elevate Staff App, improved Purchase Options and All Sales Report, and so much more!
We’re also excited to launch two new integration partners with QuickBooks and Aldous & Associates that will definitely help you streamline your business called Finance powered by Autymate and Collections.
Keep reading to learn all about this release’s new features and improvements.
New Features
- Building better sales reports
- Set your reports to generate new data when opened
- 24-hour available time in the schedule
- Clients can join a wait list for a service unpaid
- Redesign of the Self Check-In Web App
- Allow clients to prorate their first membership payment
- Determine how long clients can check in after a service has begun
- New membership discount settings
- Improved auto-renew options for packages
- Update previously sold session passes and packages when changing expiration settings
- Automatic session rollover for session passes
- Updated FitLIVE settings
- Allow related clients to be hidden on the Client Web App and Achieve Client App
- Track lifetime visits for your clients
- Choose how the names of your staff members are displayed
- Staff member profile redesign
- Improved Inventory on Hand Report
- Improved Gift Cards Report
- New status for failed purchases
- Updated Client Web App Transactions page
- Sound notifications when participants join FitLIVE meetings
- Automatically send signed contracts to clients
- View client addresses in appointments on your Google calendar
- Add available and unavailable time for assets in the Elevate Staff App
- Redesigned attendance lists and appointment details in the Elevate Staff App
- New design for the Elevate Staff App navigation menu
- Apply cancellation policy changes to previously scheduled services
- Automatic redirect to the schedule after booking an appointment
- Automatic selection of the client’s home location at checkout
- Redesign of the Client Profile Fields page
- Improved phrasing for Power Search criteria
- New filter added to the Check-Ins Report
- View attendance information for upcoming services in the Achieve Client App
- Email and SMS notification variables have been reorganized
- Add QUICK Search tags and descriptions to your Book-a-Spot assets
Minor Fixes
New Features
QuickBooks integration is here
This release, we’re excited to introduce Finance—an integration with QuickBooks Online, powered by Autymate! Finance is a new feature that saves you time by automating the synchronization of transaction data from WellnessLiving to QuickBooks Online. Previously, you had to manually record your data entries, which is time consuming and leaves room for error. With Finance, you can now connect your business with QuickBooks Online to automatically sync your data, set up all your most common transaction types in an Auty-mation to be imported and processed automatically, and easily review your import history.
You can use Finance to streamline your workflow by:
- Connecting to QuickBooks and syncing the new All Sales Report.
- Automatically importing your data daily.
- Easily identifying and correcting data and data import errors.
- Monitoring and reviewing your import history directly from WellnessLiving.
For more information about this new feature, see Finance.
Categories: Finance
Ticket ID: WL-61098
Introducing Collections
We’re excited to introduce Collections, a new integrated feature for collecting overdue payments. WellnessLiving is partnering with Aldous & Associates, a law firm that specializes in payment recovery for fitness businesses, to offer this feature to businesses in the US.
With the Collections feature, a report is automatically sent to Aldous every month, listing all your clients with payments more than 90 days past due. For a competitive fee, Aldous contacts these clients and works to collect the overdue payments on your behalf, then sends your share of the payments directly to you. Aldous also works to retain these clients, so that even after the collections process is through, they’ll keep coming back to your business.
When you sign up for Collections, you also gain access to new reports to help you keep track of which clients have been sent to Aldous and all the payments that have been successfully collected.
The Collections feature helps you keep your client billing up to date, recover your overdue payments, and promote client retention for your business. It’s another tool to help ensure your continued success, and we can’t wait for you to try it out!
For more information about this new feature, see Collections.
Categories: Collections
Ticket ID: WL-62064, WL-61723
Building better sales reports
We have some exciting changes coming to sales reports! With this release, the All Transactions Beta Report has been renamed the All Sales Report. Along with this change, the previous All Sales Report, the All Transactions Summary Report, and the All Transactions Details Report will no longer be supported and will be removed from WellnessLiving at a future date. The new All Sales Report will provide all the data that was generated in the reports being removed.
Additionally, we rebuilt several sales reports based on the Payment View or Item View modes available in the new All Sales Report. These rebuilt reports have inherited the relevant summary cards, columns, and advanced filters that are used in the new All Sales Report. The following reports are included with this rebuild:
- Item view-based reports:
- Cost of Goods Sold Report
- Sales Summary by Revenue Category Report (renamed from Sale Summary per Revenue Category Report)
- Sales Details by Revenue Category Report (renamed from Sales with Revenue Categories Report)
- Sales per Client Report
- Sales Summary by Purchase Option Report
- Payment view-based reports:
- Batch Report
- Sales Summary by Location Report
Having been rebuilt, these reports are considered new and may affect previous versions of these reports that you’ve saved, favorited, or added to a dashboard.
For more information about this improvement, see FAQ: Changes to sales reports.
Categories: Reports
Ticket ID: WL-58299
Set your reports to generate new data when opened
Want to make sure your reports are always displaying the latest data? Now, you can! With a new setting we added for reports, you can make sure that every time you open a report, the most up-to-date data is automatically generated. This way, you don’t have to remember to click the Refresh button. This setting can be applied to all your reports at once or to individual reports.
For more information about this new feature, see Customizing all reports, Customization settings for all reports, and Viewing a report.
Categories: Reports
Ticket ID: WL-48472
24-hour available time in the schedule
We’re excited to announce that you can now schedule business hours, staff availability, and assets to roll over to the next calendar date. This is a major change that will help business owners with locations open 24 hours a day. With this improvement, you’ll be able to better serve your clients hitting the gym in the quiet of the night!
For more information about this improvement, see Setting a location’s business hours, Managing a staff member’s working hours, and Book-a-Spot asset settings.
Categories: Staff Management
Ticket ID: WL-5959
Clients can join a wait list for a service unpaid
We added a new wait list policy to allow clients to join a wait list for an event, class, appointment, or asset without paying for the service beforehand. When this setting is enabled, clients who have their credit card information saved to their profile will be allowed to join a wait list without paying and will only be charged for the service after they’ve been promoted from the wait list. Now clients won’t have to pay up front for a service they might not attend.
For more information about this improvement, see Business policy settings.
Categories: Appointments, Classes, Events
Ticket ID: WL-57066
Redesign of the Self Check-In Web App
We redesigned your Self Check-In Web App and improved its functionality to give your clients a more pleasing experience that’s true to your brand when checking themselves in to your services. We also added new settings to allow you to determine what your clients see and hear when they successfully or unsuccessfully check in to a service. Plus, you can now allow your clients to check in using their phone number, email, or client ID. Give your clients the personal experience they need while also saving your employees’ valuable time by using the revamped Self Check-In Web App at your locations.
For more information about this improvement, see Self-Check-In Web App.
Categories: Client Self Check-In Web App
Ticket ID: WL-60019
Allow clients to prorate their first membership payment
We added a new option that allows clients buying memberships from your online store to change the start date of the membership and pay a prorated amount for the remainder of the billing period. For example, if your membership’s billing period begins on the first of every month, clients can buy the membership on any other day throughout the month and pay the remaining difference. When the next billing period begins, clients will pay the normal price for the membership.
With this improvement, clients can begin using their memberships immediately instead of waiting until the next billing period begins. This improvement will also save time and effort for your staff members by letting clients manage their own membership purchases.
For more information about this improvement, see Prorating a client’s membership payment and Membership general information settings.
Categories: Online Store
Ticket ID: WL-54157
Determine how long clients can check in after a service has begun
We updated your Self Check-In and Attendance Web App settings to give you the power to determine whether clients can use these web apps to check in to service sessions that have already begun, and how many minutes into the sessions they can check in. Now, you can give your clients an hour of wiggle room before they’re marked as a no-show or require them to be there within 15 minutes of a class start.
For more information about this improvement, see Self Check-In Web App settings and Attendance Web App settings.
Categories: Client Self Check-In Web App
Ticket ID: WL-61561
New membership discount settings
We updated memberships to provide you with the ability to set discount amounts for individual clients. With this improvement, you can now apply discounts when a membership auto-renews or on its first scheduled payment directly from a client’s Passes & Memberships page.
For more information about this improvement, see Applying a discount to a membership.
Categories: Memberships
Ticket ID: WL-30820
Improved auto-renew options for packages
In this release, we added a new auto-renew option for packages. Now, you can configure packages so that when they auto-renew, all old copies of the Purchase Options in the package are canceled before the new copies are added to the client’s profile. This change makes it easier to set up auto-renewing packages and prevents your clients from buying multiple copies of the same Purchase Option and getting double billed.
For more information about this improvement, see Package general information settings.
Categories: Purchase Options
Ticket ID: WL-53527
Update previously sold session passes and packages when changing expiration settings
When you create a Purchase Option, you can set it to auto-renew or convert to a new Purchase Option when it expires. Previously, if you changed this setting for an existing session pass or a package, that change wouldn’t impact previously sold copies. Now, when you update the After Expiration setting, you’ll have an option to apply this change to Purchase Options already owned by your clients. With this change, you can easily apply the same rules to all passholders and package owners in your business.
For more information about this improvement, see Session pass general information settings and Package general information settings.
Categories: Purchase Options
Ticket ID: WL-61138
Automatic session rollover for session passes
We changed the behavior of the Rollover sessions upon auto-renew option for your session passes to match the behavior of the same option for your memberships. Now, when you select this option for a session pass, any unused visits will automatically be carried over when the pass is auto-renewed.
This new behavior will only apply to session passes that are sold after the release and session passes that were sold before the release but haven’t been renewed yet.
For more information about this improvement, see Session pass advanced settings.
Categories: Purchase Options
Ticket ID: WL-55577
Updated FitLIVE settings
We updated the settings available for FitLIVE meetings. You can now enable automatic recordings without having to enable manual recordings first, and you can now choose which clients can access recordings of your FitLIVE sessions based on their attendance status.
This update gives FitLIVE session hosts less to worry about so they can focus on running their classes, ensuring the right clients can view the content they need.
For more information about this improvement, see FitLIVE settings.
Categories: Zoom
Ticket ID: WL-53388
Allow related clients to be hidden on the Client Web App and Achieve Client App
We added a new business policy setting that allows you to enable or disable the Family Member tab on a client’s profile on the Client Web App and the Achieve Client App. With this improvement, you can limit clients’ ability to add, remove, or edit family member relationships. This allows you to set the relationship between clients and gives you more control over managing your clients’ profiles.
For more information about this improvement, see Business policy settings.
Categories: Business Policies
Ticket ID: WL-58718
Track lifetime visits for your clients
When it comes to tracking client visits, WellnessLiving offers you two great options: the Attendance History page on client profiles and the Client Analysis Report. Now, you’ll see a new Lifetime Visits summary card on both pages:
- On the Attendance History page, this summary card will display the total number of visits the selected client has made to your business.
- On the Client Analysis Report, it will display the total number of visits to your business by all your clients.
With this new summary card, you’ll have lifetime visit information for clients of your business at your fingertips, automatically displayed front-and-center for your convenience!
For more information about this improvement, see Viewing a client’s attendance history and the Client Analysis Report.
Categories: Client Attendance & Upcoming
Ticket ID: WL-61346
Choose how the names of your staff members are displayed
We added a new setting that allows you to choose how the names of your staff members appear on the Client Web App, Self Check-In Web App, Attendance Web App, and Achieve Client App. With this improvement, you can select from several formatting styles that range from casual to formal and even provide some privacy for your staff members if they don’t want their full names to be displayed.
For more information about this improvement, see Client Web App settings.
Categories: Achieve Client App
Ticket ID: WL-53927
Staff member profile redesign
We overhauled the appearance of your staff member profile pages. This more streamlined, modernized design ensures that you’ll always be able to find all the information you need from a staff member profile in just a few clicks. Even adding new staff members will become more efficient with this redesign.
For more information about this improvement, see Adding or modifying a staff member and Staff member profile reference.
Categories: Staff Management
Ticket ID: WL-34710
Improved Inventory on Hand Report
We updated the Inventory on Hand Report to give you more clarity and insight into your product inventory.
This report now includes:
- Total Net Sales and Total Cost summary cards, as well as Total Sales and Total Net Sales columns, so you can track product cost and sales information during the selected date range.
- Easy-to-understand product information with product details placed in brackets under the Product Name column, so they aren’t confused with the product name.
- Linked entries in the Usage When you click the number in the Usage column, you’ll be directed to the Cost of Goods Sold Report filtered by the associated product for the selected date range.
For more information about this improvement, see Inventory on Hand Report.
Categories: Reports
Ticket ID: WL-56139
Improved Gift Cards Report
We updated the Gift Cards Report with new columns, summary cards, and advanced filters to help you better track and manage your gift card sales.
This report now includes the following improvements:
- Columns displaying the date and time the gift card was sent to the recipient (if sent by email), a purchase number that can also be found on the gift card receipt, the type of gift card sold, whether the gift card was redeemed online or at a physical location, and the value that is remaining on the gift card after it’s been redeemed.
- Redeemed, Not Redeemed, Expired, or Deactivated summary cards, so you can easily view the number of gift cards with these statuses during the selected date range.
- New and updated advanced filters, allowing you to better refine your report search results.
For more information about this improvement, see Gift Cards Report.
Categories: Reports
Ticket ID: WL-60178
New status for failed purchases
We added a new payment status for when a client’s transaction is successful, but the purchased item doesn’t appear on their profile. In extremely rare cases, this can occur when a temporary server issue interrupts the purchase. Now when this issue occurs, the new Purchase Error status will appear for the failed purchase on a client’s Transactions page and any reports relating to purchases. If a credit card was used for the purchase, the transaction will be voided after 30 minutes. Otherwise, the transaction must be refunded.
For more information about this improvement, see Viewing a client’s Transactions page and All Sales Report.
Categories: Purchase Options
Ticket ID: WL-50760
Updated Client Web App Transactions page
We updated the look and feel of the Transactions tab of the Client Web App to make it more consistent with the All Sales Report. This includes renaming report column headers and introducing new summary cards to give your clients a handy at-a-glance overview of their transaction activity.
For more information about this improvement, see Client Web App: Viewing transactions.
Categories: Client Web App
Ticket ID: WL-59171
Sound notifications when participants join FitLIVE meetings
We added a new FitLIVE setting that allows you to enable sound notifications when participants join your meetings. With this improvement, you can determine whether the chime can be heard by all participants or only the host/co-hosts.
For more information about this improvement, see FitLIVE settings.
Categories: Zoom
Ticket ID: WL-55503
Automatically send signed contracts to clients
Previously, when clients signed a contract for a purchase or service booking, a staff member had to manually send a copy of the signed contract to the client from the client’s profile. Now, enabling the Purchase Contract client notification automatically sends a copy of the contract to the client whenever they sign a contract. This improvement ensures the client automatically receives the contract and eliminates the hassle of finding a signed purchase contract in the client’s profile and sending it to them manually.
For more information about this improvement, see Client notification types.
Categories: Client Notifications
Ticket ID: WL-55210
View client addresses in appointments on your Google calendar
You can now view client addresses in booked services on your Google Calendar. This way, if you’re on the go to your next client appointment, you can quickly and easily see your next destination.
For more information about this improvement, see Staff member profile reference.
Categories: Calendar Integration
Ticket ID: WL-60895
Add available and unavailable time for assets in the Elevate Staff App
We updated the Schedule tab in the Elevate Staff App so staff members can add available and unavailable times for assets, making it easier than ever to manage assets on the go.
Additionally, available and unavailable times for both assets and staff members will now be highlighted in different colors on the schedule so they can be easily identified.
For more information on this improvement, see Elevate Staff App: Managing Assets.
Categories: Book-a-Spot, Elevate Staff App
Ticket ID: WL-32567
Redesigned attendance lists and appointment details in the Elevate Staff App
We redesigned the attendance list for classes and event sessions, along with appointment details for appointments and asset bookings on the Schedule tab in the Elevate Staff App. With this improvement, it’s easier than ever for staff members to access the options for bookings from their mobile devices.
We also added the ability to check a client in to a service by tapping the icon next to their name on the attendance list, making client check-ins a snap.
For more information about this improvement, see Elevate Staff App: Viewing an attendance list, Elevate Staff App: Managing a class, Elevate Staff App: Managing events, Elevate Staff App: Booking and managing appointments, and Elevate Staff App: Booking and managing assets.
Categories: Elevate Staff App
Ticket ID: WL-61028
New design for the Elevate Staff App navigation menu
We updated the look of the navigation menu on the Elevate Staff App, giving staff members a sleek and modern design to enjoy as they complete their daily tasks on the go.
Categories: Elevate Staff App
Ticket ID: WL-63147
Apply cancellation policy changes to previously scheduled services
We updated the behavior of the cancellation policy that penalizes clients who don’t cancel a session within a given time period. Before, if you changed this policy, services that were previously scheduled wouldn’t be impacted by this change. The updated behavior now gives you the flexibility to apply an updated policy to previously scheduled services. With this improvement, you can avoid the hassle of having to manually reschedule all previously scheduled services to ensure the updated policy comes into effect.
For more information about this improvement, see Business policy settings.
Categories: Business Section
Ticket ID: WL-55985
Automatic redirect to the schedule after booking an appointment
We added a new setting to the Schedule Design page that offers the ability to redirect staff members to the schedule after booking an appointment. With this improvement, you can redirect staff members to the day the appointment occurs on the schedule right after they book it, so they don’t have to manually navigate to the schedule.
For more information about this improvement, see Customizing the look and feel of WellnessLiving.
Categories: Schedule
Ticket ID: WL-49355
Automatic selection of the client’s home location at checkout
When you make a sale to a client from the Staff Back Office and don’t have the Staff members must select a location at checkout setting enabled, the system will now automatically select the client’s home location at checkout. Before this improvement, the system automatically selected the location the client was signed in to in such situations. You’re also getting a new setting to choose a location at checkout if the Staff members must select a location at checkout setting is enabled.
For more information about this improvement, see Store settings.
Categories: Online Store
Ticket ID: WL-62202
Redesign of the Client Profile Fields page
We updated the Client Profile Fields page so you can more easily create and manage the custom client fields on a client’s profile. Previously, client profile fields that were required for registration were also required when booking a service or making a purchase online for the first time. Now, you can choose the fields that are displayed during registration and choose whether the same fields are displayed during booking or purchases. This improvement makes it easier for your clients to complete these separate tasks and improves your ability to gather the required profile information.
For more information about this improvement, see Default client profile fields, Managing custom client fields, and Custom client fields.
Categories: Client Profile
Ticket ID: WL-60650
Improved phrasing for Power Search criteria
We updated the phrasing for some of our Power Search criteria for greater clarity. Previously, it could be a bit of a struggle to understand what criteria you were setting for your Power Searches and client groups. Now, you’ll know exactly what conditions a client has to meet to be included in your search results and client groups.
For more information about this improvement, see Power Search criteria.
Categories: Client Profile & Relationships
Ticket ID: WL-63590
New filter added to the Check-Ins Report
We added a new filter category to the Check-Ins Report, which allows you to easily filter for clients who checked in to your services using ClassPass and Gympass. With this improvement, you can filter the report and narrow down your search results more effectively.
For more information about this improvement, see Check-Ins Report.
Categories: Reports
Ticket ID: WL-54790
View attendance information for upcoming services in the Achieve Client App
Before your clients book a class on the Achieve Client App, they can see the capacity for the class and how many other clients have booked it. With this release, your clients can now see the same information on the BOOK NOW tab and on their upcoming schedule after booking a class. This change will make it easier for clients to know exactly how many other attendees will be joining their classes!
For more information about this improvement, see Achieve Client App: Schedule management.
Categories: Achieve Client App
Ticket ID: WL-60433
Email and SMS notification variables have been reorganized
We organized the variables available for your email and SMS notifications into two categories: global variables that apply to all notifications and local variables that can only be used in the notification template you have open. We also sorted the variables in each of these categories in alphabetical order. This way, staff members can easily locate variables when drafting email and SMS notifications.
For more information about this improvement, see Email variables.
Categories: Notifications
Ticket ID: WL-40897
Add QUICK Search tags and descriptions to your Book-a-Spot assets
QUICK Search tags allow you to categorize your services, making it easier for your clients to find what they’re looking for. Until now, you’ve only been able to add QUICK Search tags to your appointments, classes, and events. Now, you can add QUICK Search tags to Book-a-Spot assets, as well.
Additionally, you can now add descriptions to your assets to give your clients more information about the resources you have available. Clients will see these descriptions when booking the asset through the Client Web App or Achieve Client App.
For more information about this improvement, see Book-a-Spot asset settings.
Categories: Book-a-Spot
Ticket ID: WL-62818
Minor Fixes
- We adjusted client appointment booking functionality to ensure that when a staff member is available to be booked for appointments, but the location is closed, clients will still be able to book the available staff member. WL-64106
- We made an update so that when a client books an appointment longer than the duration of the time-based pass they’re using to book the appointment, they’ll be asked to either book without paying or book and pay for the appointment. WL-49139
Attendance lists
- We added an icon to attendance lists to indicate when a client was promoted from the wait list to the attendance list. WL-59670
Automated marketing
- We fixed an issue where the Upcoming Pass or Membership Renewal notification wasn’t being sent to clients with auto-renewing Purchase Options that had been converted from different Purchase Options. WL-62106
Book-a-Spot assets
- We updated the behavior of asset layouts so that when you save an empty layout or a layout with shapes but no assets, the associated assets will be displayed in list view during the booking process. WL-55487
Client notifications
- We updated the Membership Renewal client notification so that it is sent one hour after the membership is renewed. This ensures that memberships with specific client types are accurately applied to the client’s profile before the notification is sent. WL-56158
- We fixed an issue that was causing the wrong date to appear on the Appointment canceled by staff notification when a staff member canceled and rescheduled an appointment for a client. WL-60651
Client profiles & relationships
- We fixed an issue where merging a deactivated client profile with an activated one results in a deactivated client profile. WL-54655
- We fixed an issue to prevent staff members from merging a client profile that uses an inherited email address from a linked relationship profile with another client profile. WL-59882
Client Web App
- We updated the appearance and wording of error states in the Client Web App to provide your clients with clearer, more informative pages that provide buttons to return to the previous page when errors occur. WL-63404
Elevate Staff App
- We fixed an issue where the Elevate Staff App wasn’t saving client profile details properly when creating a new client. WL-62645
- We fixed an issue that was causing staff members to receive an error message when they entered an 11-digit New Zealand phone number in a client’s profile from the Elevate Staff App. WL-63615
- We updated the phone number fields and related error messages displayed in the Elevate Staff App and Staff Back Office for users in Australia to match the standard Australian phone number format. WL-63233
Gift cards
- You can now create and sell gift cards that include packages you offer at your business, which provides you with more flexibility when promoting your offerings. WL-60139
Gympass integration
- We updated our Gympass integration so that clients who book services using Gympass must check in to their sessions through Gympass. WL-62429
- We fixed an issue where clients couldn’t book sessions past the expiration date of memberships with auto-renewal disabled, even though the Clients can only book sessions within their current paid period option was set to OFF in the business policies and the Membership stays active until all remaining visits are used attendance restriction option was enabled in the membership’s advanced settings. WL-60265
- We fixed the UI on the client’s Passes & Memberships page to display the correct auto-renewal date for memberships and packages, which takes place the day after the expiry date. WL-57429
Message Center
- We updated the area code so that business owners located in the Isle of Man can use a UK area code phone number for their Message Center plan. WL-64706
Partner Program
- We fixed an issue that caused the Partner Program dashboard to display an incorrect amount of earnings for the number of referrals made. WL-54876
Purchase Options
- We fixed an issue that caused the Project Revenue Report to display an incorrect date for a session pass’s autorenewal after a hold was placed on the session pass. WL-63514
- We added a warning message on the Passes & Membership page to alert staff members when they’re disabling auto-renew for a client’s membership that has been applied to services in the Purchase Option’s next auto-renewal period. Now staff members will know if a client’s upcoming visits will be changed to Unpaid. WL-53215
- We updated the All Sales Report to include credits from any account tab Purchase Options along with the remaining value of any dollar value gift cards in the client’s account balance. We also fixed an issue to ensure account tab membership/session pass purchases are only included under the Cash Accounting filter. WL-62376
- We updated the wording and type of memberships listed under Award free memberships on the Redeemable Prize page to more accurately reflect the reward options. WL-61061
- We moved the box that indicates the client(s) for whom you’re booking a class or appointment from the bottom-right corner of the schedule to a banner at the top of the page. WL-58155
Staff role permissions
- We updated the staff role permissions to allow staff members with the Viewing attendance lists permission to customize the attendance list and removed that functionality from the Edit business information permission. WL-55474
- We updated the icon for the store on the Client Web App, Achieve Client App, Elevate Staff App, and Staff Back Office. WL-63362
Website widgets
- The Next button is now automatically displayed in the Appointment Widget when clients make all selections for the current stage of the booking process, so that they won’t have to scroll down to the bottom of each page. WL-61961
- We updated the edit log to track when a business subscribes to FitLIVE, adds FitLIVE licenses, and changes their FitLIVE settings. WL-53823