How to Plan Long-Term with Digital Classes to Improve Your Brand

In the wake of COVID-19, it’s time you look at your long-term business plan. Home fitness has proven to really complement in-person visits, so it looks like virtual workouts, classes, and sessions are here to stay! Have you revamped your business model to include a permanent online component? This is an opportunity to expand wisely and add online services to your regular services and offerings to clients.
Here are the ways you can get started by building your brand and your business with digital classes:
Get the best tools
Don’t have a long-term Zoom account yet? Your first step is upgrading to a professional plan– you’ll need it! Upgrading plans lets you hold meetings for longer than 40 minutes and up to 100 people for your classes.
Once you’re all set up, make your life easier with fully-integrated software. WellnessLiving’s newest features allow for an improved client experience and a streamlined process! What’s it all about? Here’s the lowdown on our Zoom integration and FitVID on Demand platform:
Zoom integration
Rather than doing everything separately, you can now easily connect your Zoom account with your WellnessLiving account. Set up your virtual classes, book appointments, schedule events and invite clients to sign up, all using a single platform! Here are a few more advantages this new feature offers:
- Run multiple meetings or classes at the same time
- Track payments and attendance through your WellnessLiving software
- Keep clients informed with booking links and easy online signups
- Add clients automatically to a class once they sign up
- Keep attendance up with reminders 20-30 minutes before class
FitVID on Demand
Upload and store your videos to your WellnessLiving account with the new FitVID on Demand! Along with joining live classes, clients will also be able to access your exclusive video library on their own schedule. And there’s more!
- Reinforce your brand without the need for a third-party video platform
- Grant easy access to view your on-demand classes, workouts, sessions, and more
- Decide how to organize and deliver your video content to clients
- Create promotional videos to get even more attention for your classes
- Control client access with restrictions or time limits as you need them
Package your digital services
Get people excited about your online classes with packages that provide value. Here are a few options for you to consider:
- Offer an on-demand video subscription or charge a fee as a membership add-on.
- Offer a livestream only membership for members who rather enjoy classes from home.
- Offer a split in-house/livestream membership for members that want the option of both.
- Continue to offer an in-house membership for people who only want to come to your business.
Build your team
A steady stream of more services means you need a bigger team! You’ll need to hire more staff: some to work at your studio and some to work from home. This is also a great time to promote profiles of your team so your clients can get to know them and can choose their favorites as their coach, trainer or instructor. Use your team to get recognition, connect with your clients and grow your online brand!
Offer convenient options
The best part of digital classes is the convenience for your members. Build on that selling point by allowing clients to access your classes from home, at the studio or wherever they want to! Don’t forget to send text reminders with an easy-access link so people don’t miss your classes, and so they can sign up with just one click. The easier you make it, the more member loyalty you’ll build for your online brand.
Promote your classes
Get attention for your digital services by marketing them through email and text campaigns to your existing clients. Reach out to clients you haven’t seen for a while with this approach, too! This is the fastest way to get clients excited and let them know about upcoming classes, schedule changes or some of your new team members.

Use social media to connect with existing clients and attract new visitors! Get attention for your digital classes with descriptions, teaser videos, team profiles and more. Ask your community to post about their experiences and tag your page so you can share. Get the word out to as many people as you can for brand recognition and interest in your online classes.
Motivate members to join
Want to send attendance through the roof? Get long-term digital members to sign up for your online and on-demand memberships by motivating them to join and building loyalty while you grow your brand!
- Motivate your community to attend your digital classes with incentives and rewards.
- Offer rewards for taking a class as part of your customer loyalty program, create a free livestream promo, discount class referrals to get your numbers up.
Building your brand
The more attention you garner for your digital classes, the more you’ll build your brand. Offer the tools and the access your clients need and become a business that does digital right!
Modifying your business model with long-term digital classes is a snap with WellnessLiving’s newest features—our Zoom integration and FitVID on Demand! It’s about time you streamline your online business with an all-in-one platform, use automated marketing to reach your clients and improve your customer experience with our help. Want to learn more? Book a free, no-commitment demo with WellnessLiving today!