How to Get Your Wellness Center Customer to Write Reviews

Are you looking for new ways to up your wellness center customer reviews? You’ve come to the right place! Positive customer reviews can make a significant difference to the success of your business, encouraging new clients to visit and establishing credibility for your wellness center.
Not convinced that wellness center customer reviews can impact your business long-term? A recent study showed that 60% of people found reviews to be a trustworthy source, with a positive review causing 73% of customers to trust a business more and 57% of people visiting a company’s website as a result of reading that positive review.
Think about the likelihood of you visiting a new restaurant before doing some research and reading the reviews. Or how often you’ve visited a business simply based on a friend’s recommendation. Reviews and referrals hold a lot of weight in the business world, so the more wellness center customer reviews you can get your hands on, the larger the number of people you’ll see come through your doors.
Ready to get started getting the word out? We’ve compiled a list of ways you can boost your wellness center customer reviews to build your business, increase your web presence and gain credibility as a wellness center go-to:
1. Ask for Them
People routinely review or complain about a negative experience, but a positive one often slips their minds. Sometimes a simple reminder is all it takes to get them to sing your praises!
The same survey we mentioned above found that of the 74% of people asked to provide feedback, 68% of them were willing to comply. It just goes to show that sometimes all it takes to impact your business with wellness center customer reviews is asking the question!
Here are a few ways you could try to nudge your clients into providing wellness center customer reviews that’ll help you grow your business:
Automated marketing
Could you use tools that allow you to reach a large market by SMS or text message? Would you like to be able to send reminders to your clients with just a click or two? Do you think your clients would review you if there were an easy and accessible way to get it done?
With WellnessLiving’s automated marketing tools, you can do all that and more! Watch your wellness center customer reviews grow when you set up a system to automatically email/text your customers a reminder after their visit. And that’s not all, automating your marketing will allow you to reach your community more effectively too. We can also help with your web presence, gaining you even more attention for your business on the web.
Our all-in-one management software can free up all the time you need from the day-to-day, so you can focus on getting your clients into review-mode!
Backing it up
Be sure to back up your automated marketing strategy with old-school tactics. Can you remind clients at your reception desk? Can you ask your instructors and professionals to mention it to their clients? Sometimes a face-to-face will do the trick! They already love you, now you just need to remind them to share that love!
2. Make it Easy
Once you’ve asked your clients to brag about your business, you need to make the process fast, easy, and convenient for them to do so. There’s nothing worse than asking them to take time out of their busy lives for you and leaving them frustrated or being turned off by the experience. Simplify the process as much as you can by cutting down the steps, making it easily accessible and showing your appreciation for the time they’ve taken to review your business.

Social media
Did you know that Facebook offers a review section as part of your business listing? Turn on this feature and watch your wellness center customer reviews add up. This can be an easier sell to clients because most of us are on social media often throughout the day, so it’s convenient for them to take a minute to visit your page and leave a review.
A word to the wise, in order to encourage more people to review, be sure to acknowledge each contributor. Clients need to know that you value their feedback and that they’re being heard. And the best part? When others see that you care enough to respond, they’ll be next in line to leave you their wellness center customer review.
Want to get even more benefits from your positive reviews? Link them to your website! Offering a review feature on your website (and publishing them there, too) is a quick and easy way for someone visiting your page to rave about a positive experience. As an added bonus, it’s a great way to make a lasting impression on someone that’s new to your site.
Making this feature available on your website and on social media shows transparency and confidence in your business—and it just might translate into more sales!
3. Use Loyalty
Your clients are loyal and that’s a benefit to your business. Put that loyalty to good use by reminding your clients why they chose you.
Set up a rewards program
If you don’t already have a loyalty rewards program in place, now’s the perfect time to get started—and WellnessLiving can help! We’ll get you set up so your clients can earn, track and redeem their points at their fingertips from wherever they are. You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to set up and manage, while you sit back and watch your reviews add up.
Loyalty can really pay off—incentivize your clients to submit wellness center reviews online or on social media to earn their rewards. When they spend more money at your center or write a positive review to earn rewards, everybody wins!
Make it a game
Already have a loyalty rewards program in place? It’s time to step it up a notch! Why not make a game of it to get your clients excited to write those wellness center customer reviews?
Set up a fun and creative challenge where customers who write reviews are entered into a raffle draw to win an amazing prize. This one’s a definite motivator! Make the prize something fun like triple the rewards points, a free session or even free merch.
Be sure to promote the challenge as a limited time offer by reaching out to your community, posting on social media and featuring it on your website. This strategy will create a buzz and get them excited for their chance to win!
4. Show Your Appreciation
Have you heard the expression ‘smiling is contagious’? It’s based on the premise that if you put positivity into the universe, positivity will find you! Whether you believe in karma or not, people tend to treat others as they’ve been treated. If you appreciate your customers, they’ll appreciate you.
How can this affect your wellness center customer reviews? Work on ways to show your customers how much you value their loyalty and they’ll show you the love back. Here are a few ways you might consider soliciting wellness center customer reviews using this strategy:
Host an appreciation event
Nothing says ‘we appreciate your business’ more than an event dedicated to your loyal clients. It doesn’t have to be fancy, you could offer hors d’oeuvres and mingling, a team-building type event, a free learning session, or anything else you think would express your gratitude.
Garnering the goodwill of your clients is a winning strategy to solicit more wellness center customer reviews and build life-long relationships with your community!
Add value
Everyone feels great when they get free perks from a business—especially a business they already love! Are there free samples from suppliers you could offer? Could you tempt clients with a giveaway? It’s going out of your way and stretching that extra mile that will really set you apart from your competition.
Rather than soliciting wellness center customer reviews, use this strategy to build your relationships and provide an experience, unlike your competitors. Once you stand out from the crowd, clients will be happy to tell anyone who’ll listen how special your business is.
5. Provide Killer Customer Service
At the end of the day, you need to provide an amazing guest experience to even qualify for a great review. So, your strategy needs to be based on working towards a superior experience for your clients.

Think about it this way: if your clients’ experiences are just average, your reviews will be too! Make customer service your top priority and your clients will review you genuinely and organically.
Make sure that this is a goal you communicate to your staff, include in your handbook, use it as your motto and that it translates to your clients. It won’t take long for your clients to recognize your commitment to excellence, see that you’re a cut above and want to stick with you—and tell their friends.
Ready to Get Started?
If you offer a superior experience, your clients would be open to sharing it with the world! They may need a reminder, an incentive, or a nudge in the right direction—but if your business is as great as we know it is, you won’t have any trouble eliciting those wellness center customer reviews!
Want to increase your wellness center customer reviews and watch your business grow? Boost your reviews and your wellness center by taking a strategic approach. With the tools from the experts at WellnessLiving, you can work on next-level customer service, relationship building, and automated marketing, so your clients will be singing your praises in no time.