5 Ways to Get Positive Dance Student Reviews

Are you looking to get your dance students to write more positive reviews? There are a number of ways you can make that happen, from using your dance studio software to offering incentives to building loyalty. Positive reviews should be the number one priority to increase your online presence, gain attention, and build your brand!
Are reviews really all that important for your business? Studies show that 90% of people check out reviews before they visit a business, 74% say that positive reviews increase their trust in a business, and 67.7% say reviews help with purchasing decisions. Are you sold yet on how positive reviews can help grow your business?
Think about how important reviews are to your own buying habits. Do you visit businesses before looking into them online? Do you read what people are saying about a company you’re considering? How often have you visited a business simply because of a friend’s recommendation?
Reviews and referrals carry a lot of weight for consumers, so the more positive reviews you can get from your dance students, the more people you’ll see come through your doors.

Ready to get started on your quest for more positive reviews? We’ve compiled a list of ways you can boost your dance student reviews to grow your business, increase your online presence, and gain credibility for your dance studio:
1. Ask For Dance Student Reviews
When searching for a way to solicit online reviews, don’t wrack your brain. The easiest way to solicit positive reviews from your clients is just to ask for them!
We’re all busy, and while a negative experience tends to stand out in our minds, we just don’t always think to share a positive review. Sometimes all it takes is a simple request to have your students singing your praises.
Positive reviews help your business, and why wouldn’t your happy clients want to help a business they love? By asking them outright, you’re letting them know that their contribution to your business is important and valued. Just another incentive for them to want to help spread the word!
Not sure how to ask? Here are a couple of ways you can try to encourage your clients to provide reviews to help you grow your business:
Automated marketing
Why not get your dance studio manager software to help you achieve your goals? Use the tools you have to reach out to your clients with just a few clicks. Send SMS or text messages, automate reminders and make the process short and sweet with your dance school management software.
With WellnessLiving’s dance studio software, we’ll automate your marketing to take the stress out of getting reviews. Watch your positive reviews grow when you get set up to automatically reach out to your customers after their visit.
Our all-in-one dance studio software will allow you to simplify your life and gain the freedom you need to focus your attention on getting your clients to brag about your business.
Go traditional
Automation is top-shelf in marketing, but don’t forget your old-school tricks! Support your automated strategy with good old-fashioned word of mouth. Don’t forget to remind your dance students at your reception desk and have your instructors ask for feedback after class. Sometimes a face-to-face reinforcement will get a student to the next step.
Remind your loyal clients that providing positive customer reviews will make your business even better! The bigger your business gets, the better your service and offerings can become. It’s in your students’ best interest for you to grow, so get your clients sharing the love to raise the bar for everyone.
2. Be the Best to Get Your Dance Student to Write Reviews
What’s the absolute best way to get your customers to give you rave reviews? By providing only excellent experiences, you won’t give your students a choice! From your expert dance studio software to your superior customer service, if you’re the best at what you do, your clients will want to tell their friends.
How do you make sure your moves are smooth? When you care about your students, go above and beyond to meet their needs, teach your team to do the same and time it just right, you’re winning!
Timing is everything
Now that you’ve decided to boldly ask your clients to help you build your business, timing is everything. You want to make sure that they’ve had the best experience possible before you approach them to help you out. Soliciting reviews during a busy day or when they’re short on time will result in a negative experience, and that’s not when you want them to write about your business.
The more you see a positive experience as an opportunity to get public praise for your business, the more your reviews will grow. Sure, some clients will refuse, forget or deny your request, but you’ll never know if you don’t ask!
3. Make it Easy to Get Dance Student Reviews
The easier you make the experience, the more likely that it’ll happen. Recognize that you’re asking something from them and show genuine appreciation. There’s nothing worse than doing what you consider to be a favor for a business, and then finding the process tedious. Avoid turning a happy client into a dissatisfied one by making the experience as painless as possible!
Simplify the process with automated marketing (email, SMS, text message are all options). Use your dance studio software to provide an easy-to-use link for direct access and ask them open-ended questions to get them started.
Once you’ve asked your clients to brag about your business, you need to make the process fast, easy and convenient for them to do so. Simplify the process as much as you can by cutting down the steps, making it accessible and showing your appreciation for the time they’ve taken to help build your studio.
Social media
Have you thought about using social media to solicit and promote positive reviews? Did you know that Facebook offers a review section for business pages? Given how much time we’re all on social media these days, this might be a more convenient way to appeal to your students!
A word of advice: acknowledging each and every review will let them know that their feedback is important to you – and when others see that you care about customer feedback, they’ll get in line to provide a positive review too!
Link reviews to your website to reap the benefits! Offer a review feature on your website so visitors can easily rave about a positive experience.
Offering this as a feature on your website (and posting reviews publicly) shows transparency, confidence in your clients’ experience, and it just might translate into higher profits for your studio!
4. Motivate Them
Want to ensure that your clients buy-in to the importance of positive reviews for your business? They may need a little extra motivation! Think about increasing that motivation by offering incentives, loyalty rewards points, or even a contest rewarding people who review you on multiple platforms.

Pick a prize that will create a buzz and get your dance students excited to get involved!
Once they’re talking about your studio, you’re well on your way to your next positive review. It’s a definite win-win!
5. Lead by Example and Get More Dance Student Reviews
Happy, valued, engaged clients want to spread the news about a great business, but you have to get them there first.
If you show them the love, they’ll return the favor! How can you love on your clients so hard that they’ll love you right back? Here are a couple of tricks to try to get ahead of the competition and to stay top of mind with your clients:
Say thank you
Sometimes a simple thank you is enough! Send a thank you email, reach out via social media, verbally thank your students for visiting your studio. Everyone likes to feel appreciated and sometimes a little gesture goes a long way to building loyalty, client satisfaction, and long-term business.
Host an appreciation event
Want to give thanks on a grander scale? Show you care with an event dedicated to your clients to show your appreciation for their support. Pick a date, send out invites and spend time dedicated to thanking your clients. You might be surprised by the positivity and long-lasting support you build simply by showing them you care.
Add value
Want to get extra points with your clients? Add value! Getting something for nothing is always a hit! Think about offering extra content on your channels or emails. Or you could offer free perks like samples from related services or coupons for local businesses. Adding something of value – for free – will really show you care.
This is about the gesture, not about cost. The added value is enough to show your clients you’re thinking of them and are putting them first. That’s how you get them to think of you when it’s time to give a positive review!
A Step in the Right Direction
Give your business a leg up with more positive reviews from your dance students! Ready to get started?
If you ask them, give them a reason, remind them and motivate them, you’ll be on your way to upping your positive reviews! Make the job even easier with an expert dance studio management software to automate your marketing, track your campaigns, and help spread the news.
Looking for an all-in-one dance school manager software? WellnessLiving’s dance studio software can help. Book a free, no-commitment demo with WellnessLiving today!