From Stressed to Serene: Bent Yoga’s Transition to WellnessLiving
Jennifer Domagalski and her team at Bent Yoga are ecstatic to be saving multiple hours each week after switching from MindBody to WellnessLiving.
Five years ago, Jennifer Domagalski was working long, stressful hours as a Director of IT. Hot yoga had always been a great outlet for all that stress. But after a move, Jennifer had to give up her beloved hobby when she found herself too far away from the nearest studio.
“I really missed having a hot yoga studio in the area,” Jennifer told us. Having realized where her true passion lied, she decided to take a huge leap of faith. And that’s when she quit her job and started Bent Yoga.
Under Jennifer’s guidance, Bent Yoga is now an invigorating and unique space for all her clients. “It’s all about bettering yourself. All of our messages and everything that we believe in is to get mentally stronger, to get physically stronger, so that you can be the best version of yourself. That kind of translates into less intimidation for some people versus some of the things they thought yoga might be.”
The Problem
Like a lot of studio owners, Jennifer started managing her business with MindBody. The system was purported to be an industry standard because so many businesses were using it and there was so little competition in the market at the time. But the flaws were immediately apparent to Jennifer and her team. “It was very frustrating because you could tell that they had made the base software many, many years ago.” And instead of re-modelling the system to make it easier to use, MindBody continued to add more to the mess.
As a former IT Director, Jennifer knew that she needed a much more modern, usable, and logical software solution to properly serve her business and clients. Even with all her programming experience, she could not force MindBody to function. “I had to call support every single time I needed to set something new up.”
Finally, Jennifer decided enough was enough, “I needed something that was much more user-friendly so that I wasn’t the one handling everything.” She hopped onto Google and began to hunt for a better option for Bent Yoga. After close to 30 separate software demonstrations, she found WellnessLiving.
Jennifer was smitten with WellnessLiving’s software from the very beginning. “It just seemed a lot more intuitive. Just clean. Clean screens, not a lot of garbage. Everything just seemed to be consistent in how you would get to a certain place or what the screen would look like or where the filters were at. Everything was very consistent and very clean. I figured my teachers could probably use this software with minimal training, and that was one of my deciding factors.”
The Solution
After finally finding a software solution that served her business well, Jennifer was ready to dive in and begin teaching her staff how to use every feature that they needed. “We did check-in classes and another little tutorial on selling packages. I spent maybe [only] 2 or 3 hours training them.”
After making quick work of training her staff, Jennifer had to introduce WellnessLiving to her clients. They were equally as delighted to discover that Bent Yoga had switched to such an easy-to-use system. “I had students comment how easy it was for them to go on and buy their own package or register for class… I had a good number of people during the first two months just saying ‘Wow, this is so much easier, so much better.’ For them to actually make the comment without me asking means that they really were noticing.”
Everything that the studio needed was provided by WellnessLiving without all the hassle that they faced with MindBody. “With MindBody, I was probably calling support two to three times a week… I’ve definitely saved a couple hours a week because I don’t have those issues anymore. I don’t need to call support.” Still, whenever Jennifer does need assistance, she knows that WellnessLiving will always be there for her, just like a good partner should be.
If you are interested to see what WellnessLiving can do for your business, book a free demo today or call us at +1 (888) 668-7728.