Is Anybody There? #thestruggleisreal For MindBody Phone Customer Support Since 2017
Is Your Business Still on Hold With MindBody? Learn How These Studio Owners Got the Customer Service They Needed by Switching Software
Sound familiar? If you’re using MindBody, you may have run into this problem. We’ve seen MindBody customer service horror stories all over the web talking about outrageous hold times, lack of follow up, and ridiculous “workarounds” that are suggested instead of actually fixing the problem. We spoke with two former MindBody customers to get the real inside scoop about their experiences dealing with the MindBody customer service team. If you’re tired of dialing the MindBody phone number and getting little to no help, then keep on reading – you’re not alone!
Meet Andrew. He’s the owner of YogaMovesYou Studio who grew frustrated with his experiences while dealing with MindBody when his clients couldn’t perform the actions they needed to in the MindBody app. “This was a lot less of a financial thing than mental,” Andrew says. “Just draining. I had to run two studios and I have to think about this, which is the last thing I want to think about. And stay on the phone forever! Customer service didn’t even know what was going on, or that there had been a software change. It was unreal.”
Excessive Wait Times Keep You from Running Your Studio Effectively
Did you know that waiting on hold for a customer service representative costs Americans more than $100 billion a year? Business owners everywhere are tired of their employees having to waste their time on hold. This includes Angela, the owner of Yoga Sport. When her business was using MindBody, she found that it took way too long for her to get the help she needed from the company.
“There was never any follow-up,” Angela says. “By the end, it would take 45 minutes to get anyone on the phone. You’d have to plan your day to sit on hold…They never cared. They never followed-up.”
Andrew also experienced a variety of problems with MindBody support services. “It took forever to talk to tech support and when I talked to tech support, they didn’t find the problem; I found the problem,” he says.
Customer Service Reps That Just Don’t Care
The lack of competent technical support and long wait times only compounded the frustration that Andrew and Angela felt over the software problems that drove them to call support in the first place. It’s hardly surprising that they ended up switching – as recent studies indicate, it only takes one bad experience with customer service for a customer to choose to take their business elsewhere. If fact, almost a third of customers surveyed stated that they choose to switch to another provider when the staff they talk to lack the knowledge they need to help customers.
When asked what she would change about MindBody, Angela responded, “Their support team – or lack thereof!” She went on to explain, “I was really integrated with MindBody and committed to learning their software at a very high level, but there were a lot of flaws in the system. There was a lot of frustration around things happening when they shouldn’t – like random charges – and their support team could never really explain it.”
“You would call them and they’d say, ‘Oh, that’s just a one-time glitch.’ We were with them for twelve years, and it seemed like once they got big and went public, they focused on constantly selling all these [third-party apps]. That was very frustrating.”
Third Party Apps You Pay For Can Cost You Even More…
In addition to the time spent on hold and the ineffective customer service, Andrew found that MindBody didn’t offer the kind of support he needed for third party apps – which, as you know, are the only way to get full functionality from the MindBody system. When his clients ran into issues with new widgets on his site, he naturally called MindBody’s phone number for help.
“The person I spoke to at MindBody didn’t even know about the switch of the widgets,” Andrew says. “They didn’t even know! They said the support team had to look into it, but there was no alert to any of us clients that this was happening. I found out through potential clients who were unable to register for classes. I had to go in reverse, basically. If I had waited for MindBody to alert me, who knows how much revenue I would have lost.”
Say No To Scripted Service!
A recent survey by Software Advice discovered that 69% of customers don’t want their customer service rep to read from a script. This same survey showed that most customers want to feel like they are being listened to – in 2017, people expect one-to-one personalized service. Angela found it frustrating that some of the MindBody representatives she spoke to seemed to be stuck on their scripts and unable to truly help her.
“It was the luck of the draw,” Angela says. “Some days I’d get someone that was awesome who knew what I was talking about and sometimes I’d get someone who just walked me through everything I just told them I had already tried. So, I would say they were inconsistent.”
Doubling up on troubleshooting time is just one more thing to add to the list of wasted time when you play the waiting game with the MindBody phone support team!
You and Your Business Deserve Better
After dealing with all of these issues, both Andrew and Angela decided that MindBody was making running their business more difficult – not more efficient. That’s when they decided to make the switch to WellnessLiving. Since the switchover, they’ve discovered that WellnessLiving’s dedicated team delivered the kind of customer service that they deserved as hard working studio owners.
“Customer service-wise, there’s just no comparison,” Angela says. “That’s what I love about WellnessLiving: it is much more of a team-built company. You can tell they all work together, they all enjoy each other…you know who’s talking to who.”
If you’re tired of wasting your time dealing with long hold times, poor service, and broken software, we’re here for you at WellnessLiving. We built our platform on the belief that studio management software or karate school software should be streamlined, accessible, and affordable – which is why we developed an all-in-one solution with no need for third-party apps.
We work with our studio partners to bring to life the features and tools they request to make their business run more efficiently, whether it’s adding in bookable assets or customizing a report. By switching to WellnessLiving, we promise that you will receive the kind of personalized support that you deserve. If you’re interested in more information or would like to get a free demo, contact us today at 1 (888) 668-7728. We promise we’ll pick up the phone!
* Mindbody is a trademark of Mindbody, Inc., and is not affiliated with WellnessLiving.