How to Start a Yoga Blog
If you’ve been thinking about starting a yoga blog, your timing’s perfect! Blogs are a great way to gain attention for your business, establish credibility in the industry, grow your brand and connect with your audience.
Don’t share our enthusiasm just yet? According to a recent study, companies who blog on average receive 67% more leads per month. Furthermore, companies with blogs get nearly double the amount of traffic from their email marketing than those who don’t. These are some serious benefits to blogging!
Love the idea of starting a yoga blog but not sure where to begin? No problem! We’ve put together a list of the steps you need to get your brand new yoga blog up and running:
Step 1: Objectives and Goals
The first step in setting up your yoga blog is to get a clear idea of your objectives and goals. What are you hoping to accomplish with your endeavor? You don’t want to just start creating content without a plan, you want to have a clear direction so you can focus on consistency. Here are a few ways to go about planning your blog so you start off on the right foot:
Like any project, it’s a good idea to do some research before you start! Take a look at some of the other blogs in your field. What do they look like? Do you like their style and content? Check out yoga blogs, as well as fitness-themed blogs, to really narrow down the way you want to go about setting up your own. Once you’ve got an idea of the route you’d like to take, you can start to develop what your yoga blog will look like. Let the process begin!
Determine your audience
Once you’ve decided on the look and feel for your blog, you need to determine your audience. Planning content requires you to know your community. Defining your audience is a necessary part of the equation to make sure your content hits the mark.
Do you want to appeal to new clients? Do you have advice for more experienced yogis? What demographics is your audience? Create a target market profile so you can tailor your content accordingly.
Set your objective
OK, your style is set and you know your reader, now what’s the end game for your yoga blog? Yes, benefiting your business is key, but what will your blog be offering to your clients? Will you take an informative approach? Strictly entertainment? A mix of both?
It’s important to get an idea of what you plan to accomplish so you can determine a measurement for success when it comes time to evaluate how your blog is performing and how much it’s benefiting your business.
Step 2: Server and Hosting
Now it’s time to get a little technical! How will you offer your yoga blog to the world? You need a platform to host your blog and make it available to your audience.
Do you have a company website? A website can help increase your web presence, provide legitimacy for your studio, offer your clients important information—and can be the perfect place to host your yoga blog!
If you already have a site, adding your blog will increase your page visits, boost your online presence and gain attention for your website. Consider adding the blog link right on your home page to make it’s conveniently accessible.
Looking to set up a site you can manage yourself? There are tons of options out there! Register your domain and get set up with a company like Squarespace or JustHost. They come complete with professional-looking templates, simple instructions, and everything you need to manage your site like a pro.
Don’t have a website but still want to start a yoga blog? There are options for that too! Check out sites like Blogger or Wix to get set up with a polished blog template that starts off as a free service so you can get comfortable with how it works. It’s a great way to get your feet wet before you reach expert status.
Step 3: Content Strategy
Take a proactive approach to your yoga blog planning! The more organized your plan is, the more effective your blog will be. It won’t write itself, edit itself, or post itself, so you need to budget the time fit all that into your schedule. Here are a few tricks from our team to keep your yoga blog content organized and on track:
Plan your content
Why re-invent the wheel each week by coming up with fresh topics? Spend some time right off the bat brainstorming some great content ideas you think will interest and entertain your readers. Planning for a few months at once will help you stay on track, as well as balancing out your content for maximum effect.
Pre-planning will also allow you to keep on top of trendy topics such as holiday posts (so you don’t end up writing a New Year’s themed blog on December 31st!).
Schedule your content
Set a schedule for posting that works for your lifestyle. Can you post weekly? Monthly? Make sure it’s doable. The last thing you want to do is to start building momentum and a following, only to have life get in the way and steer you off course.
We suggest setting up a schedule for your yoga blog to keep your posts regular and to make it easy for you to follow at a glance. You can do this on paper or use a digital calendar. Whatever you use, make sure it’s somewhere you can access easily.
Scheduled similar content two weeks in a row? Here’s why a calendar is key. When you look over your content a month-at-a-glance, you can notice content overlap, patterns and gaps, and adjust as you go.
Scheduling your content will allow you to spread out your subject matter, cover topics that are timely and get a handle on posting regularly. It’s the secret weapon every yoga blog needs to succeed!
Build up your content
OK, now you can see when all your posts are due, it’s time to get to writing them! Having a backlog of content is a fantastic way to guarantee you’re always prepared. When life gets busy or something comes up, you’ll avoid the anxiety of rushing to create content or the stress of missing a deadline. Always stay a step ahead of your schedule and you’ll never have to worry about letting down your readers.
Step 4: Populate Your Yoga Blog
After you’ve scheduled and written your blog, you want to get a few posts under your belt before you start letting people know it’s up and running. Make sure you get all the kinks out, check out how it looks on mobile devices and be sure it’s perfect before you start to market your yoga blog to the public.
Step 5: Market Your Blog
Now it’s time to spread the news! Get the word out there that your yoga blog is up and full of fantastic content. The best approach is to maximize the effects of your marketing efforts by reaching out to your community efficiently and conveniently. Taking less time to reach more people just makes great business sense! So how can you make the most of your marketing efforts?
Automated marketing
If you’re looking for a way to reach your target market with just a few clicks, WellnessLiving’s all-in-one yoga studio management software has just what you need. With the included option to set up automated email and SMS campaigns, you can direct readers to read your blogs or write reviews every time they visit!
Reach more people, drive traffic to your website and get noticed with WellnessLiving to take your marketing game to the next level.
Social media
Social media is an easy and convenient platform to share your blog content. Not only does this allow you to re-purpose your content, but it also lets you link to your website, which will increase your traffic and bring greater awareness for your business.
Want to get everyone talking about your yoga blog? Consider hosting a social media contest to encourage your community to share you blog posts to help spread the news even further. Get even more bang for your buck by asking your community to do some of the work for you—with engagement in the form of comments and likes, your content will spread far and wide in no time!
Share content
Sharing is caring, especially among bloggers! Get into the habit of sharing other people’s blog content. Is there an industry specialist you like? Or a business whose content is relevant to your audience?
Your community will appreciate you introducing them to new sources, the bloggers will likely reciprocate, and everyone will benefit from your initiative.
It’s Time to Get Blogging
We’ve set you up with all the steps to get started, the rest is all you! Follow our simple guide to start a wining yoga blog that will earn you credibility, increase your web presence and boost your business.
It’s time to build up the blog following you’ve been dreaming of! Create great content and attract the attention your business deserves. And once you’re up and running, put WellnessLiving’s tools to good use! Reach your market, build up your reputation and grow your community with the all-in-one yoga studio management software. Curious to learn more? Book your free, no-commitment demo today!